♡︎how they act around you♡︎

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♥︎ always trying to impress you in some way
♥︎ kind of overprotective
♥︎ teases you
♥︎ he has to be careful around Maka or else hes gonna get a book to the head
♥︎ shares his ear buds with you
♥︎ protects you from Black Star
♥︎ you SOMETIMES help him with his homework
♥︎ Stein has to remind you two to stop talking in class

Death the Kid:
♥︎ thinks that you're too good for some asymmetrical garbage like him
♥︎ to him, nobody is as perfect was you
♥︎ loves when you compliment him and reassure him that he isn't asymmetrical garbage
♥︎ loves when you wear symmetrical things
♥︎ Liz and Patty are your #1 shippers
♥︎ likes watching your favorite shows with you
♥︎ loves your laugh
♥︎ takes you out on skating dates

Black star:
♥︎ likes showing you off
♥︎ tries to impress you 24/7
♥︎ you just laugh at his antics
♥︎ whenever you zone out, he'll sneak up behind you and scare the actual daylights out of you
♥︎ whenever your brother is with the two of you, he stays in between you two
♥︎ calls you his goddess and always talks about how he's going to surpass god
♥︎ he trains with you and helps you out a lot
♥︎ you help him with his homework, and he only listens because it's you

♥︎ writes you poems a lot
♥︎ you protect them from Ragnarok
♥︎ cries to you a lot
♥︎ always tells you about how he can't handle things
♥︎ his heart flutters if you kiss them first or hold his hand
♥︎ if he does kiss you first, it will most likely be on the cheek or just quick small little pecks
♥︎ gets you flowers randomly because he knows you like flowers
♥︎ the only downside is Ragnarok
♥︎ loves when you kiss his forehead

♥︎ reads to you
♥︎ study dates 100%
♥︎ whenever your head gets too far into the clouds, she's always able to bring you back down to earth with her
♥︎ holding hands during class 100%
♥︎ she VERY RARELY let's you copy off of her notes
♥︎ thinks it's cute how you constantly daydream
♥︎ and soul thinks your cool too
♥︎ she has like tons of pictures in her phone of you and her together
♥︎ she makes sure Blair doesn't bother you whenever you're at her house

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