♡︎during the pregnancy♡︎

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♥︎ helped you out a lot
♥︎ or at least tried to
♥︎ Maka helped you out more than he did, in all honesty
♥︎ but he tried
♥︎ got you anything you wanted when you wanted it
♥︎ got you gifts for the baby
♥︎ protected you and the unworn child from black stars yelling

Death the Kid:
♥︎ treated you like a queen
♥︎ got you anything you wanted the same second you asked for it
♥︎ whenever you would sleep at night he would quietly speak to the baby to get them to recognize and remember his voice
♥︎ had a whole nursery set up for his unborn child
♥︎ it was an very symmetrical room
♥︎ Liz was also a very big help to you
♥︎ patty didn't do much, but she was still nice company
♥︎ got your unborn baby stuffed giraffes

Black star:
♥︎ quieted his voice whenever he was near you and the baby
♥︎ treated you like the goddess you are
♥︎ Kid helped out a lot as well
♥︎ in fact, he helped out more than Black Star
♥︎ but he was still very present during the pregnancy
♥︎ he was kind of lost during the whole thing
♥︎ he would yell at your stomach sometimes so that the baby would recognize his voice
♥︎ you told him that the baby wouldn't be able hear if he kept doing that
♥︎ so he stopped
♥︎ Lord Death also helped you out lots

♥︎ the thought of being a dad scared him
♥︎ but he still helped you none the less
♥︎ ragnarok wasnt allowed to bully Crona when he was near the baby
♥︎ or at all
♥︎ he tried helping you out but was really nervous
♥︎ he tried not to hurt you or his unborn child
♥︎ complimented you daily

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