♡︎first kiss♡︎

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(A/N) I had no idea about what I was doing for this chapter, so i just used whatever popped into my head

♥︎ it was actually an accident
♥︎ you had your own apartment, but you wanted to hang out with your sister and Soul today
♥︎ you walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water
♥︎ when you were walking back to the living room, you bumped into Soul, knocking you both to the floor.
♥︎ I think we all know where this is going
♥︎ it's giving some sort of gacha mini movie
♥︎ "Maka Chop!"

Death the Kid:
♥︎ it was actually on your first date, but we'll get into that later

♥︎ he was trying to flirt with you.
♥︎ he failed miserably btw
♥︎ you were sick of listening to his sad attempts and pick up lines
♥︎ so you shut him up with a kiss 💋

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