Chapter Fourteen

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I wake up and grab breakfast. I love food so much! I'm gonna go for a jog today, maybe even run a little. I'm wearing a black tank top, black stretch pants, and a thin jacket. My hair is in a high pony tail.

"Bye Tobias, I'm going for a jog." I say, walking out of the house.

I start on my jog. It feels good so I go faster. I missed running so I start sprinting. All of the sudden, I run into somebody. Marcus! Crap! I start to run and he catches up. We're by a little path to the river. Right next to steep steps. He grabs my arm and put it behind my back. I try to fight it but I can't. He starts kneeling me in the stomach, the side, even the jaw was hit slightly. and all I can think about are the babies.

I break free from his hold and I start to sprint away. The air feels weird on my skin and I notice I'm bleeding. Marcus, who still comes after me, is slow, luckily. He doesn't run nearly as fast as I can, though, the children growing inside of me surely slow me down. I need to get back to where I am safe. To where my babies are safe. If anything happened to any of the babies that grow with me, I'd die inside. I'd feel like everything is my fault. I can't bare to think about this anymore. I pick up speed and now I'm like lightening. I've been running so fast, for so long, my legs feel like nothing anymore. I don't feel anything, anywhere. Nothing.

I lost Marcus like twelve corners ago, but I want to be sure he's gone, I don't wanna take any risks. I stop at a gas station and go into the bathrooms. I go into a stall and sob quietly to myself. Just the thought that he could've hurt my kids after hurting his son, the love of my life, is excruciating. I suddenly find the strength to stop crying so I leave the stall. I look into the mirror at mg bleeding side, my soaking shirt, it all looks so terrifying. I take off my jacket, tying it around my waist, absorbing the blood with it. I'm trying to stop the bleeding all together.

When I get home, Tobias has left. I have not a single clue of where he is, what he's doing. He didn't leave a note or anything. Fear starts to prick inside of me. What if Marcus and his people were after him too? I go into our bedroom and get into some drawers. Finally, I do d our hidden gun. I keep the gun with me at all times, afraid that Marcus will come back. I just sit, anxiously, waiting for Tobias to get home, waiting to feel safe again.

After an hour of sitting in silence,  I do the only thing I can think of. Call Christina. I'm so worried. Worried about her, about Tobais, about the babies.

"Hello?" She answers after a few rings.

"Hey, would you mind coming over? Just you. I'm feeling slightly paranoid." I tell her. I worry that I'm asking too much of her lately. Like I've said before, we're not the kind of friends who cry together, we fight together.

"Yeah. um, sure." Her voice has a hint of annoyance in it. She'd never admit that she was annoyed with me if I confronted her though.

She hangs up an  I let out a shaky breath. I go to open the window, I really need some air right now, and I see guards all around the building through the clear, spotless window. I look closer and see that it's nit just any guards, it's Marcuss' guards.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* A/N

Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. Honestly, I haven't really been feeling this story so much. I'm reading  anew trilogy though, Delirium, it has somehow given me some inspiration to write. It's so beautifully written, so beautiful in general. It makes me be able to write this for you guys. If you've read it, then you rock, if you haven't, you have to and you can find it at your local library most likely. Thank you so much for the support through my crazy updates. I live you guys so very much. ~be brave~ -Rain

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