The Shadows •yang jeongin•

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Then it dawned on you.

Was he jealous of your popularity? No, that couldn't be it...right?

Your heart was beating out of your chest and you suddenly caught yourself from staring deeply into their fearful eyes. You quickly looked away and shut the door behind you to prevent you from being scarred any more than you already are.

"Damn it..." you breathed out, your chest heaving up and down as you backed up against the door that echoed loudly through the hallway when you shut it.

The entire time, you hadn't heard it. The screams.

It stopped.

Shit shit shit.

You quickly made your way to the stairwell that lead up and out to the roof. You had no idea where Jeongin was or what his intentions were now.

You made your way down the darkened hallway until something made you stop in your tracks.


With widened eyes, you watched the figure walk towards you, shutting the doors to the stairwell behind him. He held something in his right hand.

A knife.

"Jeongin, please-"

"Don't 'Jeongin~' me!" he snapped, stepping into the moonlight that spilled into the window on his left.

His voice felt like bullets to your ears as you quickly covered them with a flinch.

Now that you saw him clearly out of the shadows, something in his eyes changed. They looked almost...insane. Psycho even.

You took a few steps back, afraid to run away. You knew what he was capable of and you did not want to test that further.

"Everyone is gone. All of the people who ever knew you existed," Jeongin began with a soft but sinister tone as he continued to walk towards you painfully slow.

Your eyes shot a quick glance at the blood dripping off of the knife in his death grip before looking back into his unsettling gaze.

"Why?" your voice quivered, tears welling in your eyes.

"You left me alone, Y/n. Nobody knew us anymore. Only you,"

Jeongin's voice sent shivers down your spine and conjured goosebumps all over your body. He was getting closer and you had nowhere to run. His strides seemed to be getting bigger as your view of his face got clearer. He had blood all over his uniform and face. The blood of your innocent friends.

"I wanted you to know what it felt like to be living in someone else's shadow." Jeongin said, his voice becoming dark— the opposite of its natural tone.

You went to take another step back, but your heel met with the wall. Now you were panicking.

"You wouldn't hurt me...right?" you asked with your voice shaking, blinking away the tears.

Jeongin's lips spread into a smile, the one you could just barely recognize. It left a pit in your stomach.

"Of course not, my dear Y/n," Jeongin brought his hand up to caress your cheek softly.

You felt yourself tense up underneath his cold touch.

You were now inches away from this unmasked killer. You felt as though your body weighed a ton from the guilt suffocating you. All of this felt like your fault. All of these innocent lives taken because of your best friend's jealousy.

All because he wanted a chance in the spotlight.

"I could never hurt you..."

Then you felt the metal of a blade pierce your skin through your shirt. Your mouth agape, you slowly looked down at the knife sticking out of your stomach. Jeongin's hand still holding the side of your face as if it comforted you in any way.

Jeongin leaned forward, his breath fanning your ear.

"I'm going to kill you."

A/n: I've never written like this before, I think I suit horror/thriller don't you think?

Imagines Book 1 |Stray Kids|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt