What Am I Worth to You?

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School has ended and Jonathan is driving everyone home. Everyone is worried and anxious for tonight. They fear Simon and Jonathan will get hurt because of Simon's poor choices. Everyone is shaking in the car.

They arrive at Simon's house and they make their way inside. Everyone goes to Simon's room. Simon rushes in his closet and starts finding clothes.

Mikey says "Why the rush to change into new clothes? Why don't you just go in your normal clothes right now? Are you going to wear your engagement pieces when you meet him?"

Simon replies "Well I will wear his favorite outfit he likes on me so he can see I still care about him a little bit." And well for the engagement pieces, well I'm not. Ima just wear the engagement ring Jonathan proposed with and some of my own jewelry."

Simon finishes getting ready and they head to the park.

They arrive at the park and Simon sees AJ waiting for him.

Simon says "Well wish me luck guys, I am going to get off. AJ is waiting for me."

Everyone wishes Simon luck and he gets out of the car and makes his way towards AJ. AJ sees Simon walking towards him and he runs to him and gives him a hug. Simon does not reciprocate the hug. After they decide to take a seat.

Simon starts the conversation off by saying "Well AJ, why did you need to talk to me? I thought I had made it clear about us wanting a break. I had told you once I was ready, we would meet but you're being selfish again and going against my word."

AJ replies "Well if you weren't so full of yourself and didn't take off the engagement ring then we wouldn't be here. You're always so toxic and full of yourself Simon, don't you realize it?"

Simon gets mad and replies "Me, full of myself? Look at yourself AJ, you're the one full of yourself and the biggest selfish person I've met. You're always the toxic one who always hits me and treats me below and everything. Don't you realize that? You expect me to sit there and continue taking more of it. No more. I am tired of it and that's the reason why I took the engagement ring off."

AJ gets super furious and slaps Simon.

AJ replies "You don't get it do you? I am doing this for your own good and sake Simon! You just don't know how to be freaking grateful. You just think everyone revolves around you."

Simon is mad and starts crying because he knows he failed.

Simon replies "You're the one not hearing yourself AJ! You just don't know how to treat a significant other right. I don't know how I have put up with you and even fell in love with you."

AJ replies "You're just being such a dumbass Simon. You know you still love me but you're just not using your brain well."

AJ slaps Simon again and says "Homecoming night is coming up and I am not letting you out of my sight. You will be going with me and only me. Don't think I will let you go with anyone else. Remember that."

AJ slaps Simon again and leaves the park. Simon is left there hopeless and crying. He knows he has failed everyone and mostly Jonathan.

To Be Continued...

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