To Love and to Obey? (Mid-Season Finale Part 2)

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Simon stays still quietly and has no reply...

After Simon replies "AJ you gotta understand that you made face a huge reality I wasn't ready for and forced me into the decisions again. You barely give me any time to make a choice with what I want. I am tired of it all AJ. I just want us to have a healthy relationship in which I can have my freedom again. You took everything from me once we started dating. I really love you a lot AJ, I really do but I don't know if I really want to fight for this anymore."

AJ replies "You really want to do this now Simon. You avoided the question again."

Simon replies "Well we might be fiancé's but it is not really of your concern what me and Jonathan are. You don't let me make friends with other people! Why? Like you are there making friends left to right and I am isolated to not make friends. Jonathan is such a nice guy and I want to be his friend and I will be so. I am tired of your controlling acts AJ. If you don't let me have some sort of freedom, I would rather finish this relationship right now."

AJ stays quiet and gets furious.

AJ replies "We've been through this shit Simon. You know how we play this shit.

Whether you like it or not, you will stop talking to Jonathan because right now you're just cheating on me with him. Also your freedom isn't up for debate because if you're loyal to me, you wouldn't do this to me. So you either end your friendship with Jonathan or I hurt him and you."

Simon gets mad at what AJ says and starts crying.

While Simon cries, he replies "I can't agree with that ultimatum you gave me. This time I am not going through. I already went through the engagement and future wedding against my own will. I can't keep doing this anymore. I have put up with so many decisions of yours to keep you happy. When will it be my turn to be happy in this relationship?"

AJ replies "Well regardless I'm the older one in this relationship, correct? So I make the choices here. Since you brought up the wedding, I have something to tell you. I have to push the wedding back to winter break, so like 3 weeks from now. Homecoming is next week correct? So after that, we'd have 2 weeks to plan it out and become official. So let's end that for all and you can have your freedom after our wedding."

Simon gets more mad and in shock.

Simon replies "See you're doing this again, you went against my word. I can't do this no more AJ. I will not be going through this wedding in 3 weeks, we're not even ready for this. Your being dumb and selfish and inconsiderate. I can't anymore. I love you and all AJ but I need time. I will let you know if I will go to homecoming with you. Goodbye for now AJ."

Simon walks away from AJ and starts heading home.

Simon arrives home and hugs Jonathan while he cries. Jonathan is confused why Simon is crying and everything. He asks Simon what happened with him and AJ at the park.

Simon replies "Well I stood my ground to AJ and he threatened me and you if I didn't stop talking to you. He also told me that he wants the wedding to occur in 3 weeks from now. It's just too much Jonathan, I can't take it any more. I love AJ and all but he's crossing the line lately and I can't fight for this anymore. I just told him I need space again to rethink about it and think if I want to go to homecoming with him since it is next weekend."

Jonathan is shocked and has no words on what Simon said.

Jonathan replies "I can't believe AJ would do that to you Simon. I am sorry this happened. At least you tried standing your ground and I am proud of you for that. Cheer up, hopefully everything gets better. But I do want to have a word with him because what he is doing to you is unacceptable."

Simon replies "I know and I know. You can try talking to him but I feel like it would make things worse between all of us. He'd probably hate you even more and I don't want that. I just don't know. Either way, it is getting late. You should start heading home Jonathan before it gets more dark."

Jonathan replies "Can I stay the night here with you? I feel like it would be better if I stayed, you're out of your emotions at the moment. Just get me some blankets and I'll sleep on the floor, plus it is the weekend so I'll hang here the whole weekend to make sure you're okay."

Simon replies "Uhm okay? Also don't worry about sleeping on the floor, okay? You can sleep with me, I don't mind... It's getting late now, we should probably start getting ready for bed."

Both Simon and Jonathan start getting ready to bed. Once they're done, they go to sleep together...

To Be Continued...

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