Hot Tempers and Cold Feet (Mid-Season Finale Part 1)

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AJ notices Jonathan's arm around Simon. He gets up from the table and starts heading their direction. Everyone notices and they all get scared again besides Jonathan. As AJ starts heading closer to them, Simon starts holding Jonathan's hand. Jonathan feels Simon's hand and starts blushing. AJ walks past their table and gives Jonathan a disgusted and angry stare. Jonathan stares AJ down as he passes by as well. After AJ passes, they stop getting scared and resume their conversations. Everyone asks Jonathan how he has the confidence to do that. He tells everyone "Well sometimes we gotta stand up and fight for what we want right" while blushing at Simon. Mikey is shocked that Jonathan said this but also questioning things. Jonathan and Simon say goodbye to everyone from the table since they were going to hangout alone for the rest of lunch.

Jonathan and Simon go hangout at Simon's private spot. They both start holding hands and start talking.

Jonathan asks Simon "Does your fiancé AJ know we're friends? He seemed mad when he passed by when we talked."

Simon replies "Uhm, no.. It's that he and I haven't talked recently. Ever since he gave me ultimatums I started slowly distancing myself from him. Our relationship has been a lot and I just don't feel the spark anymore you know."

Jonathan replies with "I understand you Simon but you can't just ignore him like that and expect to still not be protective over you because at the end you guys are still engaged. I know you don't want to hurt him but Simon you have to end this now or it will seem like you are playing AJ. Fight for what you want, which is this, a breakup."

Simon starts tearing up to what Jonathan said. He knows what Jonathan said is true. Jonathan notices that Simon is tearing up and starts hugging him a lot. He tells Simon "Just make the right decision now Simon before it is late. I want to see you happy and free from all this pain." Simon tells Jonathan "I will." and continues crying on him. The lunch bell rings and they head to their next class.

It is the end of the day and they're done with school. As Simon and Jonathan start heading to Simon's house, Simon's phone goes off. Simon opens his phone and it is a text from AJ. AJ text said "Can we meet at the park at 4? I want to talk to you about some matters about our relationship. I just want to make sure we're on the same page. Just know I still love you. Reply to me when you can." Jonathan reads the text over Simon's shoulder. Once he is done reading, he tells Simon "This is your chance Simon to fix things and make them right. This is your opportunity to end things on a good page and be free from your pain. Take this opportunity and end it for the best. I believe in you." He doesn't reply to Jonathan and they continue walking to his house. They get to Simon's house and Simon starts changing to meet AJ. Once he is done changing, he tells Jonathan to stay in the house and wait for him to get back.

Simon starts heading to the park to meet with AJ.

Simon arrives at the park and meets with AJ. AJ hugs Simon but he doesn't reciprocate the hug back. After they sit on a bench to start talking.

Simon asks "Why do you want to talk to me AJ?"

AJ says "Well lately you have been ignoring me and not spending time with me. I've noticed you have been lately attached to the new kid, Jonathan. You know how I feel about this Simon, we've been through this. So what is it Simon? Are you cheating on me?"

Simon stays still quietly and has no reply...

To Be Continued...

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