Shadows Of Doubt

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The silence between Simon and his friends is very loud. Simon's fiancé, AJ, happens to pass by their table and notices the silence and Simon being pale. He is concerned about the silence but continues to walk past the cafeteria. Once AJ passes, everyone calms down. Simon's friend are worried for him because being engaged could make everything worse. One of Simon's friends tells him "Are you really sure he is the one you want to commit to forever?" Another friend tells him "Isn't your biggest fear commitment? So why would you commit to him?" Simon closest friend Mikey says "After everything he put you through, you still decided to say yes to the engagement. This has to be a joke Simon, this is the must dumbest thing you have done in your life." The only thoughts in Simon's head was that he was right. He feared that all this would happen and he was right. The only thing Simon tells his friends is to just trust him and that everything will work out this time around. His friends don't buy it, they're worried that with their engagement, their issues are about to become bigger and that Simon will become even more hurt than their previous hardships. The lunch bell rings and they all go to their classes. Simon remains quiet and nervous the whole school day because of what his friends told him in lunch.

The last bell rang and school was out, AJ was waiting for Simon outside to take him home. AJ sees Simon coming out and runs to him and gives him a hug. Simon felt relieved and calm with AJ's hug but still worried with what his friends told him. He worries he might loose his friends forever due to his engagement. While walking Simon to his house, AJ notices he doesn't seem himself. He asks Simon what's wrong. Simon tells him "My friends found out about our engagement and their reactions were what I expected. I am worried now that because of this I will loose them forever." AJ goes silent but understands where Simon is coming from. He tells Simon, "I understand where you're coming from but now were fiancés and you have to trust yourself and not care about others opinions because soon we will be married living a happy life." Simon goes blank again, he did not expect for his fiancé to say that they will get married so soon, he would want to get married in 5 or 6 years from now. All he tells AJ is "your right I guess." AJ is worried with his reply but they continue to walk to Simon's house.

They arrive to Simon's house and AJ kisses and hugs Simon and goes to his house. Simon walks inside his home and locks himself in his room. He lays on his bed and blasts some music. He has a lot running in his head and doesn't know what to do. He feels lost and sad about the engagement and the situation with his friends. He knows his friends are right about AJ, there can be a possibility AJ can hurt him again and use their engagement as an excuse for hurting him. He is now worried for their future more than ever. He is worried that once AJ goes to college, AJ will ignore him and hurt him more than ever. He now is second questioning saying yes to the engagement. He worries if he gives the ring back to AJ, AJ will hurt him more post-breakup than in their relationship. He is lost and doesn't know what to do at this point in his relationship with his fiancé.

While at AJ's house, AJ is in his room rethinking about what happened on the way to Simon's home and proposing to him. He is worried that he made Simon get cold feet in their relationship and this will be their breaking point. He fears that he will believe his friends opinion on him and flip out on him and break up with him. He regrets proposing to Simon badly and was expecting that all this would be a good step forward for their relationship. Even though he knew that Simon feared commitment and wasn't ready for it, he thought after proposing he would change his mind but he was wrong. He is now worried about their future and worries that it is in jeopardy and if they don't talk it through, they will go through another hardship and AJ doesn't want that

To Be Continued...

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