The Clock Is Tickin'

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It's a Tuesday morning in late September, 7:20 AM to be precise. Simon's alarm goes off. Simon wakes up, turns off his alarm, & checks his phone and gets a text from his boyfriend AJ that says "meet me at the café before school starts, love you my prince <3." Simon sees the message and he gets out of bed and gets prepared for the day. Once Simon is done preparing, he starts heading to the café.

At the café, AJ is anxiously waiting for Simon's arrival. AJ is going through a lot of emotions right now because it is a big day for his relationship with Simon & their 1 year anniversary. Since this is last year of high school and plans on going to college next year, he will be proposing to Simon. This is a perfect moment to propose because it is their anniversary. He thinks this will be best for their relationship and that once he is in college, Simon is only his and will be committed to him & special for both since it is their anniversary. AJ worries that Simon will say no because in the past Simon has talked about how commitment is something he fears and thinks he will run away from the place. As Simon approaches the café, he is excited to have a date with AJ before heading to school, while on the other hand, AJ is becoming more anxious and nervous to propose to Simon.

Simon arrives at the café and finds AJ. He sits with AJ and they both have order drinks to drink. They get their drinks and they both start catching each other up on what happened the past weekend. Simon starts noticing that AJ is acting weird and anxious. He asks AJ if everything is okay with him. When AJ gets that question he knows he ruined the surprised, but tells Simon that everything is fine and it is just first day back to school jitters. They continue having their conversation and drinking their drinks. AJ remains anxious but is ready to pop up the question to Simon but still worries that he will say no. As Simon is about to finish his drink, AJ pops the question. He tells Simon, "I love you so much and want us to be together forever, would you marry me babe?" Simon lets go of his drink and remains speechless.

Simon's head goes blank and goes pale. He doesn't know what answer to give AJ. He loves AJ very much but he feared of this day and didn't expect it to happen so soon. He worries being engaged to AJ will make things worse for their relationship especially with their past they have had. He also thinks once his family and friends find out about his engagement to AJ it will be game over.  He feels like once being engaged to AJ, his freedom will be gone and they will go through more hardships, more than ever. Simon doesn't wanna loose AJ and loves him very much but is not ready to face his biggest fear. He fears that if he says no to AJ, he will walk away and breakup with him. After through this quiet thinking, he tells AJ he will accept to be his fiancé. Then, AJ puts this lovely 14 karat gold ring with an engraved A + S symbol on it. With Simon having the ring on, AJ feels more relieved and happy but Simon feels doubt, worried, concerned, and etc. 

They both start heading to school from the café. Simon is not ready to start the new school year because of the occurrences' from the previous school year and now his engagement to AJ. He fears that once his friend's see his engagement ring at school they will stop being his friend because of his and AJ's previous hardships prior to engagement. They continue walking to school and AJ has not felt more excited than ever. They both arrive at school and they give each other a kiss and go their own ways at school. Simon goes find his friends and once he does, they all go say hi to each other. They all start heading to their first class. After a couple classes later, it is time for lunch. Simon and his friends go sit down and eat lunch. Simon has been hiding his engagement ring all day from his friends due to his fears. One of his friends notice something popping out of his sleeve. He calls Simon out for it but he says it is just nothing to be worried about. His friend doesn't buy it and pulls the sleeve up and the grand ring is revealed to all of Simon's friends. Simon's friends are speechless seeing the ring and Simon goes pale of the reveal. Everyone in the table goes quiet and Simon turns more pale because AJ is about to pass by them.

To Be Continued...

The Universe's Planजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें