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As AJ's phone goes on, his phone keeps flashing off with missed notifications from AJ. AJ's message to Simon was "Simon babe, I know your second doubting everything that has happened these past weeks. I know you're going through a bunch of emotions at the moment. I just want you to know I really love you so much and I want us to have a good future. I know I made you face your biggest fear that you weren't ready for and I am sorry that I did. I understand if you want to break up, by all means tell me. I will give you your space for now and text me when you're ready." Simon read the text and started to cry. He didn't mean to hurt AJ like this, all he wanted was just a bit of time to just think about this and be stronger for their relationship. Simon texts AJ back saying "AJ, you know I love you a lot and didn't mean to hurt you like this. You just hit me with a slap in the face and I just wanted a bit of time to just think and move forward with this. I don't want us to break up, I really want us to be together forever." AJ reads the message and leaves Simon on seen. Simon worries that he really ended the relationship with AJ.

It's around 9 in the night, Simon finishes changing from showering. As he is getting done putting his pajamas on, his phone goes off. As he walks to his bedroom to get the phone, he wonders who it could be. He gets to his room and picks up the phone and notices it is AJ calling him. Simon starts panicking and shaking because he worries AJ will start going off at him in the call. Simon decides to pick up AJ's call. Once Simon picks up, AJ starts apologizing and crying to Simon about everything that has happened. Simon starts comforting AJ and apologizes that he made him feel that way and it wasn't his intention. After apologizing, they remain on call and play games and have fun. Around midnight, Simon starts getting sleepy and goes to sleep while being on call with AJ. AJ notices and decides to stay on the call to surprise Simon the next morning and goes to sleep.

It is 9 AM on a Saturday morning and Simon wakes up. He checks his phone and notices he is still on call with AJ, even though he panics for a second, he comes back to his feelings and he becomes happy knowing they fell asleep on call and waking up together. AJ hears that Simon woke up and he wakes up too. He is happy that they fell asleep and woke up on call. Simon tells AJ he is going to shower and hangs up. He decides while Simon showers, he will go to his house and surprise him with breakfast. So, he takes his bike and bikes to go get breakfast and then goes to Simon's house. As Simon finishes showering, he hears a knock. He finishes getting ready and opens the door and notices it is AJ with breakfast and lets him in.

AJ goes inside Simon's house and they have breakfast. While they have breakfast, AJ brings up his long term plans for college. He tells Simon he will be going to college out of state instead of in-state as they had discussed previously. He also wants for Simon to move to the same city and state with him so they can be closer because long distance would ruin them. He also wants Simon and himself to marry at the end of his first semester in college. As Simon hears AJ's plans for college, he just wonders where he got all this from and didn't even consult it to him at first and just bringing it out right now instead of when he was planning all this. He tells AJ, "First of all, me moving with you to a new state and city is just absolutely outrageous. I have a life here for crying out loud Aj, how am I going to just give that up right now when I am just a junior. Second, how are you going to switch the plan of you going to college in-state last minute if we had talked through it together that it was best for you to stay in-state. Lastly, you want us to marry in a year from now when you just made me face my biggest fear these past weeks. Planning a wedding takes time Aj and in a year it is not enough time." Aj stood quiet for a brief moment. He did not expect for Simon to react like this, he'd expected for Simon to be supportive and agree with his plans. He tells Simon, "Okay then. But please rethink this love, I really think these plans can work." Simon stays quiet and starts cleaning up the table. Once they're done cleaning up and everything, Aj says goodbye to Simon and starts biking home.

Simon was completely faced with a bunch of stuff he did not expect. He doesn't know what to do now. He texts his friends to meet him at the park later in the day because he has unexpected news to tell them...

To Be Continued... 

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