I Do and I Don't Know

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It is Monday morning, Simon, AJ, Mikey, & Jonathan all wake up in their houses. They all eat breakfast and get ready for school. While Simon & Mikey head out of their houses, AJ & Jonathan are outside their houses waiting for them. AJ hands Simon some flowers and Simon is flattered. They walk to school and talk along their way. As they make their way to school, Simon notices Mikey is walking with a guy and tells AJ. They are both confused about it because Mikey always walks alone to school and gets to school earlier than them. They all arrive at school. Simon tells AJ he will see him later because he is going to find Mikey to see what's up. They say goodbye and Simon makes his way to the cafeteria.

As Simon enters the cafeteria, he spots Mikey and Jonathan. He sees Jonathan and is blinded by his beauty while his jaw drops. Mikey notices Simon and is concerned why Simon's jaw dropped. Simon gets himself together and goes to Mikey's table. He says "Hi" to Mikey and introduces himself to Jonathan. Mikey says "Hi" to Simon and Jonathan introduces himself to Simon. Simon keeps losing himself staring at Jonathan. Jonathan whispers to Mikey "are you going to tell him what you told your friends yesterday?" Mikey starts shaking drastically and keeps staring at Simon. Simon notices him and asks Mikey if he is okay. Mikey starts talking and says "Yes... I am okay. I just wanted to tell you something. So last night, Jonathan invited me to pizza and our friends came along. I told them some things and it would feel wrong if I didn't tell you because you are my closest friend. I want to tell you that Jonathan is my ex-boyfriend and that I am bi..." Simon jaw drops again finding out this about Mikey. He says "Mikey, I am glad you told me this. But I preferred if you had told me this earlier because I can imagine how much of a barrier it felt to keep this from. I am glad to know this and will always be there for you." Mikey smiles at Simon and the bell rings so they head to class.

During class, Simon cannot stop thinking about Jonathan. Throughout all his classes, all that was on his mind was Jonathan.

It was lunch time and he decided to sit alone and hide himself from everyone because he needs alone time. He starts thinking about what just happened in class about how he was thinking about Jonathan the whole time. He starts fearing that he will start liking Jonathan and worries what AJ will react to if he finds out. He is blinded on how cute Jonathan is but he is now engaged to AJ and it will be cheating if he does this. But at the same time, recently he has been falling out of love with AJ and has been considering breaking up with him but doesn't because he is scared that AJ will hurt him to force him to stay in the relationship and to go through the wedding.

Jonathan happens to pass by where Simon was and notices him. He walks to Simon's direction and sits next to Simon. He asks Simon why he is all alone and not hanging out with Mikey and their friends. He tells Jonathan "Well I needed some alone time to rethink my relationship with my fiancé. We have gone through a lot of problems lately and it has been affecting me and I don't know what to do honestly." Jonathan tells him "Not every relationship is always perfect Simon, every relationship has their ups and downs. It just seems like you need to talk with your fiancé on how you feel so you guys can progress." Simon starts tearing up and Jonathan notices and hugs him.

Little do they know that Mikey and his friends were watching them from a distance...

To Be Continued...

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