19: bee vs worship

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Listen to We'll Be Young Forever by Denmark + Winter 

Chapter Nineteen: Bee VS. Worship

Unlike much of The Beyond, the Undead community was something very different from the human realm. It consisted of influence from the humans like the Death Organization and Afterlife, however, the Undead were their own people (or, un-people) and their society was filled with cultural richness that, to explain it in human terms, wouldn't be possible. Thankfully for us, Rath had always been very intrigued by the humans and their world and thus often incorporated much in his own sliver of non-existing existence.

Nestled between the open cosmos and a great view of the forming realities division above, Rath's home was resting on an island sliver (basically, instead of a planet, his world was a fairly large piece of flat land). Due to their unpredictable and chaotic nature, he shared the visibly enchanted land with his five siblings: Gadsyn, Tabralo, Dorvis, Feigley, and Josmid.

Tumbling through the rock formation holding the portal, Rath could feel the weight distribution change as the homun's soul was released from Jason's body. Becoming orbs of colour and something else, he was released from the body contract immediately. A dizzying and confusing sensation overcoming the soul as he quietly followed Rath.

As Rath quickly caught his footing on the overgrown stone path, he held tight to Bee who was now shivering and trembling; the shock seeming to settle into her bones now that she was no longer actively burning in the atmosphere. If he wasn't quick enough, her heart wouldn't be able to handle the pounding within her chest. He didn't stop to ponder what this could mean for him or his siblings with the top coucil as he expertly avoided the outreaching vines and jumped from stone to stone, the rocks bouncing beneath him in the floating space all around him. Reaching the edge of the land where the stone path cumbled away into space, he hopped over the overgrowth and jogged through the brush of greenery. The grass reached his thighs contrictingly as he moved, the large sweeping trees creating an arch above him in the swirling cosmos as he finally spotted his house. Often redone in the most modern of styles, the house was two stories of glass and concrete with open concepts to break up the glass. It was a new style Rath had yet to see; having not been home in... well he didn't exactly remember when it was he was last there. Definitely sometime after the creation of humans and their creation of art, he supposed. The human's Ancient Egyptian period, maybe?

Whatever it was, his siblings had clearly kept up with the times. The oddly beautiful but stoic structure stood before him as he reached out to them now; his mind speak coming fluidly.

I'm home.

Make sure you close the door behind you. We're having a nasty problem with Wingens again. Rath's oldest sister's (Dorvis) mind speak flooded through his brain.

What did you get me? Feigley sung immediately after Dorvis, her small voice as melodic as Rath remembered.

Not a visit, Fei. I need help. Speaking quickly to his sisters, he crossed the threshold, closing the door behind him before a flying fairie creature could enter.

Feigley was already waiting for him, her white skin glistening a light pink as her shimmering lilac hair loosely curled down to the small of her back. She was a tiny thing, her body frail looking as she looked up under her long white lashes--her bright blue eyes, identical to Rath's, widening in shock.

"Rath?" She open-mouth gaped, "Is that a human with you?"

Rath blinked, realising she had spoken to him out loud. They had to have put more enchantments on the house to allow sound waves in the undead.

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