22: bee vs forgetting

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GUYS. YO. This PLOT. Am dead. 

Listen to rapunzel by Emlyn

Chapter Twenty-Two: Bee VS. Forgetting

Bee felt like an anatomical creature--her body stiff and rusting at the edges. Used and pulled at like she consisted of nothing but the inner workings of a clock--ticking away and controlling her every move as someone tweaked her to move the way they wanted her to. Her brain felt no better as she raised from the animalistic crouch.

Her fangs were still unsheathed like a snakes, her mouth tasting of blood--the substance erasing all fuzzy thoughts as she looked up.

"Very well done. Good girl." The man purred deviously at her, patting her head as she cocked her head calculatingly at his familiar face. "You consumed even more than yesterday, little pet."

The words meant nothing to her as she wiped her bloodied mouth, and avoided his uncomfortable touch. She didn't know why exactly, but she hated him--even though he fed her whenever she wanted, which was often. She had tried to rip his throat out once, but that only resulted in hours of pain for her. Hours that felt timeless as she writhed and screamed from something burning her from the inside out. She hadnt tried to kill him again.

"Your brothers will take you to get cleaned up before you begin your lessons for the day." He said, just as three young men showed up around them. They all looked like him--dark skin and eyes. And she hated them maybe even more than she hated him.

They were cruel. Forcing her to feel all sorts of pain for their amusement. When she grew numb to one thing, they'd find new ways to torture her.

"I'll take myself." She spat, her voice stubbornly strong despite how broken and irreparable she felt--the emptiness already gnawing at her again.

She couldn't remember exactly, but the man who called himself her father had done things to her and she could feel it running through her veins like a thick sludge that made her confused but strong. Bruises covered her skin and marks like little incisions scattered along her arms where her veins were.

"Now, Beatrice." The man spoke firmly, "You know you must complete the trials in time."

She didn't know anything as she glared at him. That meant more pain--more suffering as the boys watched her. Before she could respond back, the tops of her arms were captured forcefully; her brothers already dragging her away.

"Always the fighter." One of them sighed as she kicked out despite the sludge in her veins slurring everything around her, "When will you learn?"

"He wont stop until you're perfect." The other one on her other side told her, "You'll break if you keep fighting. We've seen it happen already. He'll inject too much of that stuff inside of you to keep you... malleable... and you'll lose your mind from it." His hand tightened painfully as she hissed, "Let go of your humanity--it's better that way."

"I'd rather die." She gritted her teeth. Not that she thought she had anything left of her humanity. She didn't even remember her human life.

The tall third one walking in front of her with his back to her chuckled darkly at that, "Until he gets the results he wants from you, you can't die, Beatrice. You also have nowhere else to go. We're all stuck here and we all must play his game if we want to survive."

They walked through a series of doors and opened corridors, before finally finding her wing of the estate. Pulling her up the stairs, they finally tossed her to the Shadow people waiting to serve their queen in her chambers.

"Get her cleaned up." The tall boy ordered, shutting and locking the bedroom door between them as she laid on the ground; bloody and cold.

She felt the cool breeze and sensation of their touch; pulling her up and bringing her to a hot bath in the bathroom filled with the medicinal orange flowers. They stripped her of her soiled dress and helped her into the bath.

Death to Bumble BeesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя