Chapter 4: Troublesome

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I just came hurriedly escaping from him and patted Shuichi's shoulder and she turned back while eating a cheesy burger.

I shouted at her like hell, Ameyaa: "Dude, are you out of your mind, I'm struggling with some pervert monster, you took your plate and escaped away, leaving me like that, it's not fair!"

Shuchi smirked and said " Look, you are not the first person he flirted with you like that, dude played with many girls, and some girls falls so hard for him and get heartbroken, even he tried to flirt with me, but, after knowing im his Father rival company's daughter. He quit talking to me back.

I know you are smart enough to avoid that type of f*** boys, so I left you alone and watched the drama, that you both were performing. Hahaha!" She laughed with having a bite of the burger.

I sat down staring at her and felt exhausted, and ate down the sandwich I brought.

After sometime,

We had a great chat with each other, and we giggled, playing around and trolling over all the dramatic couples around. Finally, my first day in college ended happily with her. We exchanged our numbers, so we could chat all day.

I was waiting at the entrance for my dad to pick me up, biting my lips and watching the time over and over again.

There was an Audi R8 spyder was stopped in front of me. I looked ahead to see it was none other than shuchi. She asked me if she wanted to drop me at my residence.

I said no thanks, my dad will arrive here within a few minutes. She waved back and had a bright smile on her and made action to call me. I gave thumbs 👍  up, and waved at her back.

Abruptly, after I waved back at shuchi, I heard I loud motorbike driving noise reaching towards me, I turned back and got shocked because the guy was wearing a black helmet and was wearing a motorbiker safety dress and racing towards me like he was gonna hit me, but unexpectedly he took a tail drag.

Abruptly, after I waved back at shuchi, I heard I loud motorbike driving noise reaching towards me, I turned back and got shocked because the guy was wearing a black helmet and was wearing a motorbiker safety dress and racing towards me like he wa...

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Snatched my bag and threw it away, I was super annoyed and tried to stop him, but he circled and teased me " Come and catch me b***h" and laughed like the devil.

"Wait! I have heard those voices somewhere, is that the"low-budget peaky
Blinders gang"(Ameyaa)

I screamed " Jatin, you a***ole, just stop your bike and answer me, I dare you!! If, you are a man, then stop it!"

Then, he set a sudden break and took off his helmet and throws it away, and was walking towards me like he is gonna beat me up, his friends were teasing him from behind which raged his anger " Dude, she is asking whether you are a man or not?... it's such a shame Jatin!!"

Omg!!, Did I trigger him by saying those unwanted words? But, he started it all. I was moving back and back, then he grabbed my both arms and slammed me against a tree. Pressuring my arms, I could feel the pain so much.

Ameyaa: "Ouch! It's hurting Jatin, leave me! Why are you always troublesome"
I said those words by clearing out the Pain. My arms got stiffer and he reached towards me so close and threw away my specs, like what the hell?

His eyes were fierce, I could scream in fear.

Jatin: "Look at me, you brat! How dare you get close to shuchi. You Better stay away from her. She knows I'm a little temper, but, doesn't know I could hurt girls too.

For me, there is no gender discrimination, I would treat equally everyone."

I started to grin and said,

Ameyaa: " Stupid a**hole, you are just hurting everyone, are you proud of your equal way of treating others. ? what's led to you as a psycho"

After I said these words, he grabbed my cheeks and hit me on the back. My goodness, I could faint, my head was aching a lot!

Jatin: " Now, you have asked whether I'm a man or not, to prove you just come to my home and sleep with me. I'll prove to you in different ways you like. Okay? " He laughed like the devil and winked at me. Gosh, it's getting on my nerves and giving me the urge to kill him right away. I tried to slap him with my hands and kicked so hard with my legs.

But, none of them are a good idea, as he was holding my whole body, and I can't move a bit.

Ameyaa: " You shameless creature, I'll kill you right away, just leave my hands, or ill kick your b**s hard." My eyes got red by yelling but, he just smirked.

Suddenly, his friend interrupted and said " Dude, the principal, and the staff were heading towards us, leave the creep girl. We will go"

He left my hands and freed me and I felt a huge relief and groaned in pain, he turned and pointed at me telling " Don't ever try to tell, whatever had just happened now to anyone. If you ever do that! You will regret it for your whole life!" He warned me and snapped and got into his motorbike and drew his bike in a raging speed.

The principal saw their activities, but, just got fed up and told the staff, "Advise them to maintain a quiet discipline inside the campus" and started to walk in the other direction.

" Just, what the f**k are they leaving him without any suspension or warning, just advice is enough for their activities." I felt that it will be just a waste of time to inform staff about what they have done to me now.

"I started to pick up my bag, which was got a little dirty, and tried to search for my specs, it got a little broken and all the girls and boys who just passed by me just felt pity for me and we're whispering something to themselves and laughing."

"After I cleaned the mess around me, I saw from the distance that my father arrived and waving at me. I tried to hold back my tears. I want to hug him and tell him how hard the day was".

" No, Ameyaa, you should be strong, don't you ruin your father's mood, I was inhaling and exhaling hard, and walked towards him by setting a bright fake smile"

*Hello Guys*

Sorry for the late update, little work, so please forgive me.

I hope this chapter was good enough.

Meet you at the next chapter, don't forget to follow and vote for me.

Moreover, comment on your feedback, which could improve me.

Sorry for my English, I'm just trying to cite better.🥰😍love, peace ✌️  !!

Thank you for the 140 views. It means a lot to me!!!

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