Chapter XII

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Irene's POV

"We'll just get clothes for you, or do you want me to just choose it myself?" She said. "and don't worry, Mina already told the helpers to fix the guest room for you." Oh!

"You can choose for me. I'll just wait here." I said to her. She smiled


I walk around and check the pieces of art work in this house. They're really good. As I was admiring one of the paintings my phone rang. I answered it as soon a I saw who it is.

"Hi mom! You called?" I said, still looking at the painting.

"Joohyun." I was startled when I heard my Dad's voice on the other line. His voice is full of authority that it scare the hell out of me.

"Y-yes Dad?" I said.

"Where are you? You're Mom and I are here at your place..." Shit! My dad was still talking but my mind is already panicking. Damn it! This is unnie's fault! "Joohyun. Did you hear me?"

"Dad, I don't think I can go home now. Can we just see each other tomorrow?" I asked in my more soft tone.

"Can you tell me whe--wait! Hon!--"

"Hey, baby."

"Mom I'm sorry. You should've told me you were coming." I told her.

"It's fine. We can just come back anytime."

"No, we can't. What do you--"

"Shut up!" Mom said to him. Honestly? I'm still amazed as to how Mom can just stop my father like that. "You're father is acting up again. You know him." Right!

"I'm guessing he only went there with you because of Bogum." I said in a bitter tone. I'm sure that spoiled brat already told Dad what happened.

"Don't say that..."

"Mom, tell Dad to please stop playing cupid already. I know he likes Bogum for me. He's good with his work but he's pure bullshit mom. I hope Dad realizes that." I said. Just after what happened at the bar. The blackmailing? the drugging? Damn it! How did my dad even thought of giving her daughter to such bastard?

"He's a good guy, Joohyun, if only you could just give him a chance." Dad spoke up.

"Just how many chances do you think I could offer Dad?" We've already been on a date for five times already and the last one was my limit already.

"I'm just trying to help you out. I don't want you to end up like your sister. You're graduating soon, you should be dating now. That way you can have a family of your ow--"

"Dad! Really?! That's your concern?!"

"I want to see the both of you build your own family. That way I'll feel assured about your future. I don't want both my daughter to end up being alone." If only you and mom aren't like this, unnie would've had her own family already. She wouldn't be too scared to tell you that she loves someone so much.

"You, arranging dates for us is not really working Dad. It needs to stop."

"Okay. I'll stop." He said in defeat. Was talking to him about it the only solution I was looking for, in the first place? Maybe dad isn't really that strict. "After one last date." Ugh!

"Hon!" I heard mom shouted at him.

"No, really. I promise, this will be the last one."


"He's my friends son." A guy? again!? "Why? Do you want a girl this time?" Dad suddenly asked that made me nervous. I said that out loud?

"Don't be preposterous Honey! Joohyun's straight." Not really mom. I laugh bitterly.

"Mom's right Dad." I said.

"I'm just asking."

"Hey." I then heard Seulgi's voice from behind me. I turn to look at her. "Sorry it took long. I couldn't find..." Seulgi. Maybe Oppa was just scared for her cousin. He knows for sure that I was attracted to her. He knows me and my sister's situation with our parents. But why did he even warned me, Seulgi's straight, that's what he said. If she really is straight...


"What if I tell you I like you?" I asked her seriously.

"Huh?" Seulgi said, confused.

"Joohyun? What did you just said?! and who are you with?!" I heard my Mom talking from my phone. I forgot I was still on a call with them. Dang! I facepalmed myself with my freehand. I turn my back at Seulgi again.

"I'm at a friends house Mom. Can we just talk tomorrow? we need to work on something already. Tell Dad to just send me the details about that date. Bye, love you two." I hang up before they could even talk again. I can't have them interrogating me on the phone, while I'm here with Seulgi. I face her.

"Seulgi, about--"

"Come! I'll show you the way to our guest room." She said and start walking away. Well, that's an answer. I just followed her.

"Wait, wait, wait! You're not letting me sleep outside, right?" I held her wrist and made her face me.

"Our guest rooms, or should I say cabins, are here." She pointed at the surroundings. When I look around... Woah. How did they even came up with this?

"Where will I be staying?" I asked excitedly. It's like I'm in a fantasy world.

"Come." Seulgi said and I followed her. When we entered the room, Seulgi automatically went to the cabinets and put on some o the things she brought. She then check the bathroom. "Looks like they put everything here already. If you need anything just call me." She said and was about to walk away already, but then I remember I do not have her number.

"Seulgi, wait!"

"If you like me, then I'll like you back." What?!

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