Chapter XX

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Seulgi's POV

I just followed behind her, until we reach the parking lot.

"Irene, I still have a class. What do you need?" I asked that made her stop walking. "Why did you have to make a scene there?" She just stand there frozen, that made me walk and stand in front of her. "Irene."

"I need you to stop calling me that." She said meeting my eyes. I scoff.

"Okay now. What do you need Miss President? Why did you ask me to come with you." She looked at me in disbelief. Next thing she did was walk pass me. Seriously? What's wrong with her? "Can I go back now?" I shouted. She did not answer and enter her car. Next thing happened was she drive off from there, leaving me here.

"What the Fuck!?" I said to myself. , before walking back to the campus.

When I came back all eyes were on me. Then Wendy and the guys pulled me to sit already.

"What happened?" JB asked curiously.

"Why did you even go with her, Jackson was helping you out already." Jinyoung

"I didn't ask for help." I said looking at Jackson. Why would he even claim me as his girlfriend?

"Woah! Seulgi, chill!" Jinyoung said.

"Did you really think claiming me as your girl was going to help?" I raised my voice this time. I don't know why I suddenly feel so angry at him for doing it. Maybe because I also saw how Joohyun expression changed after he said that.

"Seulgi." Wendy held me down.

"She was about to drag you out, Seulgi. Of---"

"So? It's not like she would murder me."

"Why are you so angry?" Jinyoung asked.

"You do not know what she's capable of doing, Seulgi." JB said. I look at them in disbelief.

"But what part of Jackson, claiming me as his girlfriend, could help stop her from doing such things to me? Huh?!" I question them all that made them look at Jackson now.

"She's right." Wendy said. "Why did you say that?"

"Impulse." he answered.

"What were you expecting? That she'll--"

"Her reaction. You seem to know each other." He said that shocked me. "Let's be for real here. Irene never meddle with anyone's business here, except if the reputation or anything about the school is involve already. That was the first." This time the three look at me already. "So do you know her?"

"That's impossible. She asked us about Miss President, the first day." JB said. Shaking his head.

Jinyoung and Wendy was about to speak again when our professor suddenly enter the room. After the few hours of class, they seem to forget about the unfinished talk we had before class started. We all went home and say our goodbyes.

For two weeks, strangely, no one mentioned about those things again. Though I always see her at the Campus, we never had any exchange at all. I steal glances every now and then, but that's just it. Also in those days, Jackson apologizes for what he said. I expected him to ask me about my relationship with Joohyun, but he didn't.

Oppa never talk to me about her again. With Daniel, he already fixed his papers and went back home. Of course he would go home, it's already his favorite sister that is asking for him.

Days have been the same for me, not until I got excused during class again. I'm now walking my way to the Director's office.

"Seulgi." Miss Tiffany stand up from her chair as soon as I entered.

"Miss Tiffany, about my decision. I'm sorry, I don't think I can help you with the event."

"No. I did not call you for that." I look at her confused. "What happened between you and my sister?" huh? What happened to us?

"Nothing?" I said.

"Seulgi, I know her. I knew the moment I told her what was on the line if she didn't listen to them, I knew she would sacrifice anything." She pointed the seat for me to sit on. and she sat across me. I don't understand.

"She had always expresses her hatred with my decisions in life. She may look like she doesn't care but it's all that she does. All her life she became this perfect daughter they could ask for, and I know she did it for me. All they want was a perfect daughter and she claimed to be one, for my parents to just let me be. She saw everything as a child, the pressure they put into me and the hidden cries, that I tried my best to hide"

"Why are you telling me this?" I stopped her.

"The first time I saw you again, was the first time I saw my sister genuinely smiled again. That was the time she was looking at you behind that glass." She pointed at my back and that's when I realize, her office is a one way mirror. "So tell me Seulgi. What happened?"

"I don't know what to feel, with what you've just said. It's been weeks since we last talked, and that last talk was not ideal. Basically, that's just it."

"Do you like my sister, Seulgi?" She asked me. I was taken a back by it

"I don't know." I said. She took a deep breath.

"I guess I was really wrong." She stand up. "My speech was just put into waste." She looked at me. "You can go now Miss Kang. I'm sorry if you had to leave your class because of this." With that I stand up and went out of the office.

What she said there, I'm trying to take it all in. I'm trying to understand her intentions for saying those things to me. What exactly is happening to her?

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