Chapter IV

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Seulgi's POV

I suddenly felt cold in my sleep, I crumpled myself in the comforter. I don't usually turn the AC on, who... The moment I notice that I'm naked under the comforter, that's when I remember where I am. I sat up and look around. I felt my body ache as I move.

"I can't believe it happened again." I said and facepalmed. But this time I did it with a girl, That girl. Just when I thought of her, the door of the room opened up revealing the person I had sex with last night. Our eyes met, then her looks went down and that made her turn around. I honestly find that cute. It's not like we didn't have an amazing sex last light. I mean she was that good!

I notice she is holding some clothes in her hands. I stand up from the bed and walk to her direction.

"S-sorry." She said, still not aware of my presence behind her.

"What are you sorry for? For seeing my uncovered body that you just devoured last night?" I said. I saw how she jumped a little, for being startled. I chuckled. Damn! Was she really the girl from last night? She's too cute to be that monster in bed. "Are those for me?" I asked, being beside her already. She just silently hand me the clothes and was about to go out already before I spoke.

"You know what? For a person who just did those things to me last night, you look pretty innocent now." I said as I'm putting on the clothes she gave me.

"And for a straight girl, you don't seem to mind what happened last night." When I look at her direction she was seriously looking at me already. I just look at her, and tried to read what's in her mind.

"Why? Should I have gone hysterically mad?" I asked, which she just answered with shaking her head. "I do regret drinking that thing, last night, but the thing that happened after that?" I took a deep breath and went closer to her. "Will I still be considered straight if I say I just enjoyed the sex I had with a female?" I leaned down to her. I notice how her ears turn red all of a sudden, I smiled at that. Cute. But what the hell is happening to me? Since when did I become this bold? I was about to lean in more. Her lips was tempting me. Just before my lips touch hers she stopped me.

"I-I prepared breakfast if you want." She said and made some space between us. Oh? Maybe I read the situation wrong, again. I don't even understand my sudden attraction towards her. Maybe because, what happened is still fresh in my mind? "Oppa said you have class today." When I heard that, it just took me back to reality. Oh my God! I'm dead!

"Can I know what time is it already?" I asked her.

"7 in the morning."

"Oppa knows that I'm here?" I asked and she just nodded. "and the reason why..." She shake her head to answer no. What should I tell him, or should I say 'them'. Shit! She must have notice me panicking already...

"Scared?" She asked. When nodded I saw the displease in her reaction.

"I'm scared that my brother will know." I said, honestly. "I don't mind Oppa knowing, but Daniel? I don't think he will take it in a good way."

"Oh? Is he somewhat against LGB--?" She question that made me shock.

"What!? Of course not!" I said. He's not the type to judge people because of there preferences.


"That drink." I said cutting her off. "The supplement that was added to it. I don't think he will ever calm down once he will know I drank that thing, again." I said, looking down.

"Y-you have taken it before?" She asked and I just nodded as answer. "That explains why you already knew what to do." She look at me like she's studying me. "I'm sorry." She said.

"For what?" Why is she suddenly apologizing?

"I know you drank it for me. I'm sorry that you've experienced it again." She looked down that made me chuckle.

"It's fine." I assured her. It's not really that big of a deal, at least I was not taken to the hospital because of that. She look at me in the eye. Is it because of what happened to us? Why do I suddenly feel something different towards her?

"Breakfast?" She asked.

"I'd love to, but..."

"But you have to go home already." She finished my sentence. I nodded and smiled.

"Thank you for the amazing night we spent together..." I paused realizing I don't even know her name. I just hade sex with a stranger.

"Joohyun." She said. So, that's her name.

"I wish you could have told me that last night." I leaned my face to her side. "I could've screamed it nonstop." I whispered in her ear. I move away from her, and seeing how she turned red? I released a chuckle. "I'll go now. Thank you again." I said before I head out of the room, then the house.

When I got into the front door of Oppa's house, that's when my nervousness came in. I pressed the doorbell. Not long later it opened up to my brother, wearing a cute pink apron wit a spatula in his hand.

"Awe! Aren't you cute?" I said, teasingly. He is really cute though.

"Noona? I thought you're still asleep. When did you go out?" When I look up to him, that's when I saw confusion in his expression. "Where did you even go this early in the morning?" He's eyeing me, from head to toe now.

"I just went out for a walk." I told him. I do think that convinced him. He opened the door wide for me to enter and I did. As I walk my way to the stairs, he asked something that made me stop.

"Noona? Are those new clothes? I haven't seen you wore that before. It's not the usual type of clothes you buy too."

"These are new." I told him. He nodded

"Breakfast is already, ready." He said as he tried to stop me from going upstairs again.

"I'll just get something upstairs. I'll also wake Oppa up." I said and climbed the stairs but the sudden sound of the doorbell made me stop. When I look downstairs, Daniel is already running his way to the door.

The moment he opened the door I saw how his expression turned shocked. All of a sudden, he faced my direction. He opened the door wider, for me to see who is behind the door. Oh My Shit! Joohyun handed him a phone, that looks like mine. Damn it! She wasn't aware I was watching their interaction. When my brother closed the door, I saw how he glared at me. Next thing I know he was already throwing my phone to my direction. I panicked and was still able to catch it.

"Yah!" I shouted. What if I did not caught it?

"Get your business, upstairs, done already. You have a lot of explain to do." He said pointing the spatula at me.

"I'm your Noona!" I shouted.

"Noona who just lied!" I laugh, when I notice how he walks away, stomping his feet.

"Did something happened?" A person suddenly speak up behind me. When I turn to look at him, he got this serious face on. Just by looking at him, I know what his question really meant. I was about to answer him already when he spoke first. "I'm hoping she was telling the truth, I hope nothing did happened." He said. She told him that nothing happened? Why? It's not that I want everyone to know about it, it's just that I don't know! It stings a little.

"Nothing, Oppa. Nothing happened." I lied.

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