Chapter: 15 The Proposal

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(It has been a month since Joshua has arrived at House Dimitrescu and overtime he has gotten to know the Dimitrescu family but one in particular caught his eye and that was the middle child Cassandra Dimitrescu, she is called by many names but after Joshua got to know her more and she of him she grew increasingly fond of him and view him as not a meal or something she can torture she viewed him as something else and now the story is coming to a close as Cassandra Dimitrescu is about to receive something completely unexpected that will change her life forever including her sisters)

(As the morning sun rises both Joshua and Cassandra slept peacefully at their small get away house from the castle, the light shines through the windows emitting it's beautiful glow)

Joshua:(As I woke up I was met by Cassie's beautiful glowing eyes)well good morning my mistress

Cassandra: Good morning to you as well my precious(Smiles as she wraps her arms around her lover)

Joshua: You know what today is don't you(I smiled)

Cassandra: I do my love I am so excited for this day to come where you can finally unveil that surprise you have for me and the fact Mother Miranda is bringing me and my sisters that gift she made for us and all the other lords are coming, this is going to be a spectacular day for us all(Says with happiness as she pecked his lips)

Joshua: Mhm and I see you brought that night gown I got you, have you been sneaking out at night

Cassandra: Indeed I did, and yes I spent a lot of time making this place for you and me I just didn't want you to you know spoil the surprise

Joshua: Well I love what you've done with the place

Cassandra: I'm glad you do and I'm glad we spent the night here to it's nice to get away from the castle for once it gets quite stressful sometimes

Joshua: I bet it does, now then we should probably head back their probably asking where we are

Cassandra: Of course let's head back(Both her and Joshua got dressed and headed back to the castle)
(Time skip)

(As Cassie and Joshua return to the castle they were greeted by Lady Dimitrescu)

Lady Dimitrescu: There you two are where have you been

Cassandra: I wanted to show the surprise I had for Joshua

Lady Dimitrescu: And what is this surprise if I may ask

Cassandra: It's a small get away house for me and him to have our intimate moments cause we do get loud in the castle

Lady Dimitrescu: Well my apologies for intruding, now then Bela and Daniela are in the dining hall eating their breakfast go ahead and join them)

(Cassandra and Joshua join Bela and Daniela in the dining hall)

Bela: There you are sister, where have you two been we were worried for you

Cassandra: We're fine sis, I just wanted to show Joshua here the small get away house I made for me and him where we can have our private moments instead of having it at the castle

Bela: Oh, I see well I'm glad you two are ok

Joshua: Don't worry Bela we are fine, but you two know what today is don't you

Bela: I do and I'm so happy for it

Daniela: So am I(Smiles)

Joshua: And the other day I spoke to your mother and she told me that Mother Miranda completed my request for you three so you know what that means

Bela: Are you serious did...did she complete your request for us!(Spoke with excitement)

Joshua: Mhm, I thought you might like the news, she'll be bringing it tonight

Cassandra: Isn't he the greatest man thing in the world(Hugs the man)he's the only one that has ever done something special for the three of us

Bela: That he is and we are thankful that we took you in sweetheart our lives would've gotten more boring if you hadn't came along you are a miracle

Joshua: Thank you Bela that really means a lot to me it does, and I'm glad to be a part of your family as well

Cassandra: We are happy to hear that, now then we should probably have the maids make sure everything in this castle is spick an span for tonight's dinner especially the Opera hall 

Bela: Since when did you become so...

Cassandra: Excitable...well I'm just happy that this day has come for us and I know I'm probably acting like mother but I'm just excited for this to come at last

Daniela: This is unlike you sister

Bela: I agree with Dani I don't know what's gotten into you but I've never seen you act like this before but by all means let us finish eating breakfast an then we will get started
(Time skip)

(As everyone finished eating breakfast the daughters began working to make the castle look clean and spotless mainly the halls, fireplaces and the opera hall)

Cassandra: Alright sisters lets make the castle look spotless

Bela: This is very much unlike you Cassie usually mother tells us what to do

Cassandra: I'm sorry if I'm acting like this I'm just very happy right now

Bela: Sister it's ok me and Daniela are also happy as well, now what would you like me and Daniela to do

Cassandra: I need you and Daniela to make sure the opera hall is clean and the firewood for the fireplaces replaced while me and Joshua make sure the kitchen floors are spotless and that the food is prepared for tonight

Bela: Sounds like a plan, and when we're all done with the preparations we can relax until it's time, oh and maybe Cassandra can teach you dancing lessons

Joshua: I don't think I've ever danced with a woman before what if I mess up

Cassandra: It's ok love I can help you and I'll make sure to go slow on you ok, it can be nervous at first but once you get used to it it's not so scary trust me your in good hands

Joshua: Thanks Cassandra

Cassandra: Of course dear, now then lets hop to it(Smiles)
(Time skip)

Cassandra Dimitrescu Love At First Sight X Male Reader RevampedWhere stories live. Discover now