Chapter 7: The Meeting

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(It has been a week since Joshua has been brought into house Dimitrescu by Lady D, at first she and her daughters didn't trust the man thing but over time they quickly saw how kind and caring he was and even made love to the sadistic daughter Cassandra Dimitrescu, at first she wanted to torture and have fun with him cause she didn't exactly trust him but over time she saw him as not another meal or something she can torture she viewed him as a lover, she was happy to have that feeling back again after hiding heart for so long since it used to belong to someone else but they betrayed her and tried to kill her and her family and ever since then all she knew was torture, blood lust and cruelty, but until Joshua came along she instantly saw how different he was from everyone else, he didn't see them as freaks or anything like that he see's them as beautiful women nothing more and nothing less, last night was a moment for her and Joshua as she expressed her true feelings for him as he did for her and she and her sisters including her mother would be his protection as he would be for them but all that will soon change)

(As the morning sun rose, it's bright lights shine through the castle windows of House Dimitrescu, not a peep nor sound was heard everything was absolutely quiet, last night was a moment to remember as the two love birds finally expressed their true feelings for each other)

Joshua:(As I woke up, I saw Cassandra sleeping upon me, oh how beautiful and stunning she was last night, never before have I seen such a beautiful woman like her, as I slowly looked around I noticed the door slightly open and there I saw Bela and Daniela they were freaking the hell out as they saw Cassandra's dress, panties and bra on the floor, they were containing their excitement as they didn't want to disturb or wake up Cassandra so they slowly and gently closed the door behind them)

Daniela: Holy shit sister, do you think?(Tries to contain herself)

Bela: I know, and I'm so happy that they finally expressed their love for each other, I can't wait to see what the future lies ahead for them, for now let'em have their peace

Daniela: Agreed(Both her and Bela leave the two lovers be)

(As time went on Joshua wakes up only to find he is met by Cassandra's beautiful face)

Cassandra: Good morning baby, did you sleep well?

Joshua: I did, last night was something else that's for sure

Cassandra: Mhm it was indeed, that was something I haven't felt since, forever I never thought I would have it back again and thank you

Joshua: You are most welcome Cassandra and when you said those words draga mea what did that mean?

Cassandra: It's a Romanian or slavic word for my darling, my love or my precious

Joshua: I see, so that's what you kept saying when we were making love that night

Cassandra: That is correct because you, are my precious(Boops Joshua's nose as she chuckles)

Joshua: You know I had a dream last night when we slept

Cassandra: And what was this dream about, please tell me its not another nightmare

Joshua: No, it wasn't that...I had a dream where me and my friend Ethan winters were going to this...facility and soon everything went blank and when I woke up it was dark and when I looked around Ethan wasn't there he must've moved on without me thinking I was dead or something else probably never even thought to look for me(I spoke with a sad frown)

Cassandra: Hey, hey it's ok...don't fret my darling look at me you have me, my sisters and my mother here for you, I am here for you, as long as were here no one is gonna lay a finger on you we care about you very much

Cassandra Dimitrescu Love At First Sight X Male Reader RevampedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon