Chapter 9: Cassandra's Recovery

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(Yesterday was a traumatizing day as Cassandra Dimitrescu the middle daughter of the family almost lost her life at the hands of Joshua's so called friend Ethan winters who betrayed and abandoned him, she cowered for her life as she was weakened by the cold and was beat and bruised but what truly scared her was that Ethan Winters smirked at her as she was laying defenselessly on the ground covering her eyes but she was spared that fateful day as her lover came in and saved her from death and it was something she won't ever forget as no mortal human much less a man would ever risk their pathetic life for her or her family but Joshua was definitely special and the nicest man thing she and her family has ever met even for her since she is a sadist that enjoys tormenting and killing her victims, but until Joshua came along she wanted to kill and listen to his screams but all that changed as he was undoubtedly the nicest and most understanding human she knew, and overtime she fell in love with him after getting to know him more as well and finally had another chance at love again after she hid it deep down for so long and now she was grateful to have that feeling once more and when she is healed the sadistic daughter will unleash hell upon the man who hurt her and the one she loves and it will not be pleasant)

(As dawn arrives, all was quiet and peaceful as both Joshua and Cassandra sleep comfortably especially Cassandra knowing that she is safe with her lover who rescued her from the person that betrayed him)

Joshua: (As I woke up I looked at Cassandra who was awake as her beautiful glowing eyes met mine)good morning honey did you sleep well?

Cassandra: As a matter of fact I did, though during the night I had a horrible nightmare

Joshua: And what was it

Cassandra:(Tears began to well up in her eyes) Your...your friend as... as he was beating and kicking me I could see a smirk on his face, he was planning to do horrible things to me(This made her lover angry but knew that Joshua wouldn't let that happen)

Joshua: Don't worry my queen I will not let him do that to you, yesterday Bela told me that Ethan wanted to talk to me

Cassandra: He What?! how dare he has the nerve to request your presence after what he did and has the guts wanting to talk to you after almost killing me and then injuring you in the process

Joshua: I know, I'm angry as well I told Bela that Ethan can forget it after what he did, I will and always will remain by your side no matter what happens, nothing he can say or do will change my mind

Cassandra: Thank you, though the condition I'm in It'll probably take maybe a few days for me to recover, but as long as I have you everything will be fine

Joshua: Anything for you my mistress(I kiss her hand which made her smile, soon the door opens and Bela and Daniela appear)

Bela: Good morning you two, how are you feeling sis?

Cassandra: Still in pain right now, ugh I swear I will make that bastard suffer dearly for this

Bela: I know, but don't act so hastily I'm sure you'll have your time making Ethan Winters endure the pain he deserves but right now you need to focus on yourself first before anything else

Cassandra: I know, and last night I explained to Joshua about the nightmare I had and when Ethan was kicking and beating me up I swore I saw a smirk on his face and he was gonna do unspeakable things to me(Cries into Joshua's arms as Bela heard what her sister said and oh boy was she furious now)

Bela: Are you fucking serious right now, he smirked at you knowing full well you already belong to someone!(She spoke as she was really pissed that Ethan would smirk at her sister with intent to do horrible things) don't worry sis as long as we're here he is not gonna touch you, as a matter of fact I'll be right back(Storms off to the dungeon to confront the man who almost took her sisters life and injures the man he betrayed)

Cassandra Dimitrescu Love At First Sight X Male Reader RevampedWhere stories live. Discover now