Chapter 5:Tour Of The Castle

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(As morning approaches, a new day begins as the daughters want to give their guest a tour of castle as they wanted to show him different parts of the castle but all that depends if Joshua's recovery goes well and is able to move and walk freely again)

(As I woke up I was again met by the daughters beautiful glowing yellow eyes)

Bela: Good morning sleepy head, I trust you slept well and didn't have anymore awful nightmares

Joshua: Surprisingly I did not thank goodness

Bela: I am very happy to hear it dear, though you know today is the day that we'll be able to see if you can finally walk freely again since you've been getting much needed rest cause me and my sisters really want to give you a tour of the castle, we've been holding off on it till your able to move around by yourself now

Joshua: Yeah, lets hope so cause I did not enjoy staying in bed the whole time these past few days but it was important for my well being nonetheless

Cassandra: Your certainly right about that sweetie, but luckily you had me and my sisters to help you through this

Joshua: And for that I'm very grateful for it either way

Daniela: Our pleasure darling ooh and maybe we can teach you some Romanian words

Joshua: Romanian words?

Bela: It's a language that we sometimes speak but we can help you learn some of that if you'd like

Joshua: I would love to though I might mess up a few times

Bela: Do not worry, not everyone gets it right the first time it's all about practice, now then lets check your wounds and see how they're coming along cause it's been a few days since the last time we checked them but we'll soon find out here in a second, you ready we'll do your arm first ok(Joshua nods his head and as soon as his arm is unwrapped it healed up just fine which was a very good indication) My word your arm has healed up quite nicely so far so good, are you ready for your leg now

Joshua: Yes I am( I confidently spoke as my leg was being unwrapped and although I was going to feel pain I did not feel any at all and when I looked the claw marks were healed leaving visible scars)

Bela: Oh my god! your leg it's healed, now comes the true test...lets see if you can walk

(As the daughters watched their guest walk again keeping an eye on him, they were pleased to see the man thing being able to move once more)

Joshua: I, I can walk again(I spoke happily as the daughters smiled as well)

Daniela: Yay we can finally show you around the castle!(Jumps up and down happily like a kid)

Cassandra: Easy sister, remember he may feel fine but there's no doubt his injury could return so lets take it nice and slow we don't want him to strain himself

Daniela: Your right, sorry I got a little bit carried away

Bela: It's ok Daniela, now then lets just relax for now until it's breakfast time( As the daughters and their guest relax the door opened as Lady Dimitrescu entered) good morning mother

Lady Dimitrescu: Good morning my daughters, and of course good morning to you as well dear one how are you feeling

Joshua: Never better, good news is that I'm able to walk again thanks to your daughters they have been a huge help, I'm sorry if I was a burden

Bela: Taking it slow remember, we don't want you to strain yourself dear and no, we were perfectly fine helping you sweetie your not a burden to us

Lady Dimitrescu: Well I am pleased to hear that your doing fine and that my daughters have been doing a superb job at helping you recover

Daniela: After breakfast can one of us please give our guest the tour pretty please mother(shows the puppy eyes)

Lady Dimitrescu: (chuckles) alright then I don't see why not, only one of you can give our guest the tour, while two of you keep an eye on the maids while they do their chores, however the dungeon is off limits understood

(Yes mother the 3 spoke in unison)

Cassandra: I'd be happy to give our guest the tour

Daniela: No I do I want to give him the tour!

Bela: You two are acting like kids obviously mother will let me do it

(The daughters argue over who wants to give the man the tour of the castle all the while this amuses Lady D and Joshua)

Lady Dimitrescu: That's enough daughters( Spoke in a stern but soft voice)

Bela: Sorry mother

Lady Dimitrescu: How about we let our guest decide who gets to show him( the daughters eagerly await the man things answer)

Joshua: I choose...Cassandra( Cassandra smiled with a wide grin as the other two frowned) Bela, Daniela it's ok no reason to frown

Lady DImitrescu: It would seem our guests mind is made up, now then breakfast is already prepared and if you want one of my daughters can bring you your food

Joshua: Actually, I was wondering if I could join ya'll since I'm healed, but I promise to take it slow

Lady DImitrescu: Very well dear, get dressed and then meet us down( Lady D leaves the room and her daughters followed suit except for Cassandra as she wanted to stay behind)

Bela: Sister are you coming?

Cassandra: I'll be right down, I'm gonna stay and make sure that the man thing is ok( Bela has never seen her sister act like this but it made her smile as she closes the door knowing that the sadistic daughter is becoming a softie but will always have her sadistic side)

Joshua: Cassandra you don't have to stay behind to help me get ready

Cassandra: Well I wanted to and I also wanted to do this(quickly kisses the man thing)

Joshua: What're you talking about(I felt Cassandra's lips immediately press against mine as she wrapped her arms around my neck we stood there for a few seconds and then backed away from each other) where did that come from 

Cassandra: I've been wanting to do that to you for awhile now, but I held off on it I didn't want to get ahead of myself or make you uncomfortable in anyway I thought now was the moment I showed you how much you meant to me I just didn't want my sisters to butt in on it

Joshua: Thank you Cassandra, and like you said there is always another time for something like that remember

Cassandra: Better watch your tongue smarty pants your talking to the huntress of this house

Joshua: Oh really and what if I don't(I snicker)

Cassandra: Then I'll kiss you again

Joshua: Oh, really I'd like to see you try(I teased her)

Cassandra: Don't tempt me

Joshua: By the way your sisters are behind you watching us right now as we speak

Cassandra: Wait what?!( Looks behind her and see's them not there) why you clever little shit well played

Joshua: I got you good didn't I

Cassandra: Indeed you have, now lets not waste anymore time my mother and sisters will be wondering what were doing( immediately looks through the closet and finds a button up shirt and pants to match and hands them over to Joshua closing the door and giving him his privacy)
(Time skip)

(As I got ready Cassandra opened the door and her jaw dropped to how handsome I looked)

Joshua: How do I look?

Cassandra: You look absolutely handsome dear

Joshua: Thank you, shall we join the rest of your family(Cassandra nods as both me and her walk downstairs and join Alcina and the other two and as we made our way down their eyes locked on to us)

Lady Dimitrescu: Well don't you look marvelous dear one

Bela: Very handsome little one

Daniela: You look hot cutie(giggles)

Joshua: Thank you everyone(Cassandra pulls out the chair for me to sit as she smiles) so what's for breakfast

Lady Dimitrescu: Well you have your usual dear, my daughters usually eat raw meat, I hope that doesn't bother you or make feel uneasy in anyway

Joshua: Of course not, even though the smell may not be pleasant but I wouldn't care any less, I love your daughters the way they are nothing more and nothing less(This made Alcina and her daughters smile as I didn't care what they eat as I've already grown rather fond of them)

Lady Dimitrescu: Well I'm glad our way of life doesn't scare or frighten you in anyway

Joshua: Of course

Lady Dimitrescu: With that settled, finish eating your breakfast then Cassandra can you give you the tour of our castle, but remember the dungeon is prohibited am I clear

Joshua: Yes ma'am you have my word I will not go there

Lady Dimitrescu: Good, now then daughters as you are no doubt aware I have a meeting to attend to with the other lords including that Rif Raf Heisenberg( she spoke with annoyance as she didn't much like him) I will be gone for a hours tomorrow for the day, please make sure that the maids are doing their work around the castle

(Yes mother the daughters spoke)

(As everyone finished eating the maids came and collected the plates and took them to the kitchen to be cleaned and Cassandra began giving the tour of the castle but asked where Joshua would like to go first)

Cassandra: So sweetie where would you like to go first?

Joshua: Hmm, how about the armory

Cassandra: Ah good choice(smiles as she and the man strolled over to the armor and as they got there Joshua was shocked at all the armor and weapons Cassandra collected)

Cassandra: Welcome to the armory, here you'll find a bunch of different armors and a assortment of weapons from the medieval times, I always keep them sharpened ah and here is my all time favorite the sword such a mediocre weapon, now I don't want you to lift it cause it could slip and probably hurt you really bad, but here the daggers are easy to wield give them a try an see how you like them just don't toss them around( Hands them over to Joshua)

Joshua: Oh wow, these are sharp but very lightweight to use( I spoke as I sat them down)

Cassandra: then there are a few more places for me to show you

(As Cassandra and the man strolled on over to the indoor garden, Joshua couldn't believe how big it was)

Joshua: Wow, this place is beautiful and big to so many kinds of flowers you have

Cassandra: Mother loves picking out the most beautiful flowers when it's summer or spring, but that's the only time me an my sisters get sadly, when its cold we're forced to stay in(tears began to form in her eyes)

Joshua: I'm, I'm so sorry to hear that(I embrace Cassandra in a hug as she lets her cries and sniffles out) maybe one of these days I might think of a way to where you and your sisters can go out and experience the outside without being cooped up in this castle all the time

Cassandra:(Sniffles) really you'd, you would do that for...for us but"

Joshua: I'll think of something, but for now show me the other places in the castle...maybe the opera hall( Cassandra's face lit up as she immediately took my hand as we made our way we approached the area the place was magnificent and so was the piano)

Cassandra: This is the opera hall, this is where mother likes to play and sing, you did mention you think you could do a song for me I'd love to hear it and don't worry about being shy we all encourage to embrace our talents( she sits next to the man)

Joshua: I can give it a whirl( As I sat down I felt a wave of nervousness but that quickly changed as Cassandra sat next to me making me feel better as I started playing a song that came to mind as I began playing the notes.

*Bryan Adams Lyrics*

"Here I am, this is me
There's nowhere else on earth I'd rather be
Here I am ,It's just me and you
Tonight we make our dreams come true
It's a new world, it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of  young hearts
It's a new day, it's a new plan
I've been waiting for you
Here I am
Here I am
Here we are, we've just begun
And after all this time, our time has come
Yeah, here we are, still goin' strong
Right here in the place where we belong

It's a new world, it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day, it's a new plan
I've been waiting for you
Here I am
Yeah , here I am
Here I am

Waiting for you

Here I am
This is me
There's nowhere else on earth I'd rather be
Here I am
It's just me and you
Tonight we make our dreams come true

It's a new world
It's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day, it's a new plan
I've been waiting for you

It's a new world, it's a new start
It's alive, with beating of young hearts
It's a new day, it's a new plan
I've been waiting for you(Waiting waiting waiting)
Here I am

Here I am
Right next you
And suddenly the world is all brand new
Here I am
Here I am
Where I'm gonna stay
Now there's nothing standing in our way
Oh here I am
Here I am
This is me"

(As I finished singing the song, Cassandra broke in tears on how good my singing was and over in the corner Bela, Daniela and Alcina clapped as the other two daughters heard my singing as well breaking down in tears to)

Cassandra: Oh my goodness(sniffles) that was absolutely beautiful dear, where did that song come from

Joshua: It was from one of my favorite music artists Bryan Adam's, and the song well...lets just say it was for you

Cassandra: sang that for, for me!?

Joshua: Yes I did I thought it would be perfect(I was immediately grabbed into a hug as Cassandra cried uncontrollably as no one ever sang a song for her before)

Cassandra: No mortal has ever sang to me before, thank you so much

Bela: I never knew you had it in you, your voice was angelic(sniffles)
Daniela: Your voice is beautiful! (balls her eyes out)

Lady Dimitrescu: I never knew you could sing like that dearie, you voice was spectacular

Joshua: Thank you, I never thought I had it in me before either

Lady DImitrescu: Well I believe it's dinner time, finish up the tour of the castle and then you two meet us in the dining room( As she Bela and Daniela left the opera hall)

Cassandra: Alright love, last but not least the library which is where Daniela spends most of her time reading

(As Cassandra made our way to the library and once inside I was astonished at how large it was, so many books and a sky light on top of that where the light shone through the windows)

Joshua: Wow, this is a big library no wonder Dani spends most of her time in here I can tell she's a bookworm that's for sure

Cassandra: Hehe, your certainly right about that she's how you say a geek I think that's the word you mortals use, she reads a ton of romance novels in here and gets new ones from the duke all the time

Joshua: And I thought I was a bookworm hehe

Cassandra: Well then it's getting late, spent a lot of time showing you different parts of the castle, we should probably go and join the others

(As we both made our way to the dining room the food was already ready)

Lady Dimitrescu: Ah there you are, glad you two could join us I hope you had a wonderful time seeing the different area's of the castle

Joshua: I did, I had such a wonderful time and a really good tour guide to( Makes Cassandra blush)

Cassandra: Aww your so sweet darling

Lady Dimitrescu: Well I'm pleased to hear that, and your singing back there in the opera hall was a spectacle, I never knew a man like you could sing so beautifully

Joshua: Thank you Alcina(She smiles at me)
(Time skip)

(As night time approached everyone ate their food and went to bed but Cassandra wanted her and the man thing to be alone as this would be the moment for the two to finally express their love for each other)

Cassandra Dimitrescu Love At First Sight X Male Reader RevampedWhere stories live. Discover now