Chapter 12: Depression

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(It has been a few weeks since Alcina and her daughters have brought the man thing into their lives, and ever since then Joshua has been nothing but kind and caring towards them and has risked his life to defend her and her daughters who they have grown to love and even risked his life to save the one he fell in love with since no mortal would ever give up their lives for the Dimitrescu family especially the sadistic daughter Cassandra Dimitrescu the sadist who enjoys torturing her victims and even though she saw Joshua as another man to torture she slowly fell in love with him and soon she didn't see him as another meal but as a lover and this apparently caught the attention of the priestess Mother Miranda who visited the castle to see if the rumors Alcina spoke of the man were true and she was convinced that Joshua is indeed different from the multitude of man things she has met, and during her visit she witnessed the child's father saying such rude and hurtful things towards the man who thwarted him from ending the dimitrescu family, and now Joshua is in a state of depression which worried the daughters who are now concerned for him but he knew full well that they wouldn't leave his side no matter what)

(As the morning sun rose all was quiet as Cassandra and her sisters stayed by Joshua's side since his so called friend put him into a depressional state which worried the daughters as they loved him very much and would do anything protect him and hopefully make him feel better)

Cassandra:(As Cassandra wakes up among her sisters she looks around but doesn't see Joshua anywhere and this raises concern)Sisters wake up!

Bela: What, what's going on?(Spoke in a sleepy tone)
Daniela: Did something happen sis?

Cassandra: Joshua's not here with us we need to find him now!

Bela: Let's go ask mother I'm sure she knows where he is

(The daughters frantically made their towards their mother's private chambers)
(Time Jump)

(As the daughters approached they opened the door they spoke with worry in their voice)

(Mother, mother! the daughters spoke in unison)

Lady Dimitrescu: What's wrong my daughters why so worried?

Cassandra: Do you know where Joshua is, we woke up and he was not in bed with us, do you know where he is!

Lady Dimitrescu: I'm sure he's around somewhere, have you three checked the armory, the opera hall or perhaps the garden I'm sure he's in one of those places or he might be outside, and it truly warms my heart seeing you three care so much about him, I have raised you well my daughters

Bela: Thank you mother and yes we love him very much he has given us so much ever since he came into our lives and, even if the cold is our weakness it doesn't pale into comparison for how much we love him, come on sister's he has to be here somewhere in the castle(She Daniela and Cassie leave their mother's quarters to search for him)
(Time skip)

(As Bela, Cassandra and Daniela searched each area's of the castle hoping to find him they began to lose hope, but suddenly they spotted him outside the castle sitting down on the stairs pondering his thoughts, they quickly rushed to him even though the temperature was slightly cold but it didn't matter to them all they cared about was Joshua's safety seeing as their love for him blossomed)

Bela: Sweetie wh-what are you doing out here all by yourself me an my sisters were worried sick about you(Spoke with concern as she and her sisters knelt down to his side surrounding him)

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