Chapter 4: On The Road To Recovery

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(It is now the 4th day and things have been going well at house Dimitrescu for Joshua ever since he arrived at their castle gates and has been granted safety thanks to Lady Dimitrescu and already her daughters have grown to love their guest as they quickly warmed up to him as he of them as they have been helping out tremendously all the while making sure he was ok after the events happened as one of the maids tried to have her way with the injured guest and has been caught and dealt with thanks to Cassandra Dimitrescu who let her mother deal with her personally, after that everything was alright till late at night Joshua had a nightmare a new one where he caught the daughters in their crazed feeding frenzied state which was not something Cassandra wanted him to see as it would hurt them if he saw her an her sisters like that, but they gathered around and embraced the man thing as they would help him prepare for it when the time comes, and they protectively watched over him making it known that they will always be at his side whenever he needs it just incase he couldn't sleep, this was something no one really has seen or even lived as the Dimitrescu daughters do have emotions but always never showed it cause whenever people come to the castle they wanted Lady D and her daughters dead as everyone in the village feared them as they were mutant monsters that kill an eat people, since then no one ever really sees the gentle side of them but all that changed when the daughters met their guest, at the first the start was a bit rough as Cassandra didn't really want to apologize or even trust the man thing even though bela wanted her to give the man a chance but she made her do it or else Lady D would scold the middle child if she didn't but in the end it worked out and Cassandra has been forgiven and now sees that their guest is a very kind an caring human which is something they hardly see since everyone wanted them dead but not their guest as bela already explained to him what they are and he felt bad for them and showed them kindness and love something they rarely get and the eldest of three was the first to see it as she can be very protective of her family, soon after her sisters also saw it as well even though the sadist of the family didn't care for introductions and just likes to kill an torture her prey and listen to their screams for fun, but once she saw how kind and respectable he was she has grown to love him just like her sisters and she has been doing her best looking out for him incase he needed help and yesterday when she caught the maid having her way again for the second time with the man thing she was beyond furious seeing their poor guest gagged and tied up unable to do anything, this didn't make her happy at all or worse yet her mother who dealt with the maid personally since Lady Dimitrescu gave her one simple task one that maria couldn't even manage and committed adultery no less sexual harassment which costed her own life as she was blind sided by the sexual desire she hasn't had in so long and this was the biggest mistake she made disobeying the lady of the house and after being executed for her inexcusable actions Lady Dimitrescu from now on lets her daughters tend to their guests needs since any of the other maidens won't be trusted and will make it known if any more of them were to cross her it would be a death sentence for them)

(As the morning sun rises upon house Dimitrescu the bright light of the sun rays shines through the castle windows causing everything to brightly light up, the glare from the window in the guest room causes Joshua to wake up and as he does he looks an sees that the daughters are sleeping around him all the while having their arms protectively wrapped over him as they no doubt stayed up all night watching him making sure he slept peacefully without worry, this was cute and adorable at the same time as he felt very loved though he felt bad that he had them watching over him the entire night after the horrible nightmare he had but they didn't seem to mind cause they wanted to be there with him making sure he got some much needed sleep after what happened yesterday)

Joshua:(As I woke up I was met with the daughters beautiful glowing yellow eyes as they to woke up as well)good morning

Bela: Good morning sweetie, did you sleep well?

Joshua: Yes I did, I actually got some much needed rest after everything that happened yesterday, I'm grateful that you an your sisters were watching over me 

Bela: Well of course, we just wanted to make sure you got some good sleep after the nightmare you had cause we didn't want you to worry anymore then you did so we stayed up pretty much the whole night making sure you were ok

Joshua: I definitely appreciate it very much you have no idea though you didn't have to do it

Bela: It's not a problem at all it was our choice so we did it anyway cause we wanted to be there for you

Joshua: Thank you so much for that

Cassandra: Any time dear, now then lets check your wounds cause the last time they were checked it was pretty bad especially after the maid made it a bit more worse then they already were, hopefully they're doing much better now, but before we do all of  that lets freshen you up first shall we

Joshua: Ok( As the daughters help me out of bed, Cassandra starts up the bath water making sure that it was warm enough for me in the mean time Bela and Daniela began picking out comfortable clothes for me to wear as Cassandra began bathing me) well I definitely am thankful for you an your sisters doing this for me, you an your sisters including your mother are like the family I've never had before

Cassandra: Our pleasure honey, your honestly the first man thing we've met that showed us kindness, love and respect unlike everyone else before you entered the castle and only wished death upon us and never really given us a chance for us to show our softer and caring side, but after enduring that for so long we, we hid our emotions as it made us weak and ever since then we've only known cruelty but until you came along you were very different and never once thought of harming us in anyway and for that we cherish you a lot including me

Joshua: Thank you and your welcome, plus the only thing I see is beautiful women nothing more and nothing less even if you are just mutant vampires that turn into flies

Cassandra: Oh ho well aren't you just the sweetest thing

Joshua: Same to you as well, once I'm fully healed I can't wait for you an your sisters to give me a tour of the castle

Cassandra: It would be a delight to show you and maybe we can get to know you more and us as well, and just between you an me, I to noticed your body and I must say you were very handsome looking though I didn't let that distract me cause I knew that there would always be another time for that plus I wanted to know more about you before anything else I just didn't want to rush it unlike that stupid maid that was forcing her way onto you

Joshua: Thank you Cassandra and I also want to know more about you an your sisters to especially you an see where it goes from there cause I don't know what I'm feeling but could it be love at first sight?

Cassandra Dimitrescu Love At First Sight X Male Reader RevampedWhere stories live. Discover now