Chapter One: Everything Goes Boom

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He was an immortal human, unable to die even if he wanted to.

The other was a mortal human, who loved him while ignoring the fact that he would never be able to be with him in his entire lifetime.

The heroic and honorable human, cursed by the gods to never die, suffered by the hands of those gods, and suffered death and loss again and again, in a never ending cycle.

While the other, who has fallen deeply in love, saved by him every single time, was willing to burn his soul to nothing, just so that he can accompany the hero of his life for an eternity.

Such a cliche story.

It was the kind of story that would always be found in the internet's BL novels website. A story of love and anguish between a mere mortal and a high immortal.

If Kai was not forced by his sister to read this particular story, he wouldn't have even considered touching this website. But in the end, despite his straightness, he was still hooked by the story and the author's writing style.

Thus, he ended up reading from the start to the end.

Plus, there is also the male lead, who shares his name 'Kai'.

He is an avid reader. He prefers quality over genre. So after reading the whole story, he was in awe and was stupefied. His thoughts on this kind of novel somehow... Changed.

It's not that he discriminated towards BL novels. It's just, he had an experience reading one BL, which contained nothing but explicit scenes starting from chapter one all the way to chapter ten… it was one hell of a reading experience for Kai.

He moved his hand holding the mouse and moved the arrow on the screen of his computer to click on the author's profile. He is honestly amazed by this author.

If this author was writing fantasy novels without any BL instead, they would've been rich and successful. The way they constructed their sentences and their wide vocabulary, they really must be a scholar in language learning!

The author had a username 'CRU_720'. Kai thought that it was quite a random username... The author had a lot of followers which is understandable since his story is quite famous in this 'community'. However, this account is not following anybody, and other than the infamous novel, he did not write anything else. Kai clicked the conversation page of the author's profile and found a lot of comments seeking for an update.

Nevertheless, the author never replied back.

It seems that except for publishing the novel, the author didn't do anything else.

Kai sighed, supporting his head with his hand as he skimmed across the conversation page where different readers posted their messages which probably didn't reach the author.

This person really came and left like the wind.

How unfortunate. Even if it was another BL, Kai would've read this author's other story. That just showed what kind of a masterpiece this author had created.

After a while, Kai noticed faint light coming out from the curtains. His eyes widened and stood up immediately as he finally remembered, "I forgot the time...! Mom would enter my room anytime soon to wake me up!" He yelled, but in a small voice.

Last night, he reached the peak of the story. He didn't want to leave the story on a cliffhanger so, in the end, he decided to binge-read the story until the ending. So the result is that he didn't get any sleep at all. Moreover, he has to go to his college today to take his final exam. If he is caught that he didn't sleep and study, he's going to get an earful for sure.

However, when he stood up, his hand roughly brushed against his cup of coffee resulting to an even messier situation. His hand was burned and in panic, he tried to catch the cup but because of the hotness, he accidentally tossed it towards the power outlet near the computer. The coffee entered the outlet while the cup was smashed on the screen of his computer.

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