Chapter Twenty-Three: Of New Beginnings

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"And how am I going to do that?" I asked.

"Well," Ciro smiled, "That depends. What kind of fighter are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you like to hide and hurt from a distance? Brute force your way through things? Do you want to defend yourself against your foe or down them before they have a chance?" Ciro asked.

"I've never really thought about it," I frowned.

Ciro seemed a bit disappointed at my answer. I couldn't help but be disappointed too.

"Here then, let's start with the basics," he said.

I then watched as he picked up a long white piece of driftwood, breaking off its branches, and leaving a long, arm-length post. He then threw it at me, expecting me to catch it.

I did not catch it.

Ciro sighed, shaking his head.

"This may take a while... What do you know?" he asked.

"Rude," I grumbled, picking up the stick from the sand at my feet. I felt the light weight in my hand, weighing it with consideration, and frowned. "I know how to ride a horse. I can... climb pretty well?" I hesitated, thinking of my years climbing the trees in the garden to hide away from Limenta. "Father tried to show me how to shoot a bow once... I wasn't very good."

Ciro shook his head, then threw his halberd to the ground in an all-too dramatic fashion.

"Hit me," Ciro said, beckoning me forward.


"Come on now, Mira. Use that piece of wood in your hand and really give me a good swing. I won't even dodge it or fight back, promise," he said, closing his eyes and putting his hands behind his back.

I took a cautious step forward, holding the branch gingerly in my hands.

"Come now, hard as you can."

I reeled the branch over my shoulder, ready to strike, making a mental countdown. Just one swing, right to the side of his face. He was asking for it, right?



I grimaced, tightening my grip.



I watched with a sigh as I lightly tapped the side of his face with a slow strike, before throwing the branch to the sand. I couldn't do it. Everything in my being was screaming for me not to. Even though he said it wouldn't hurt him, something kept me from hitting me with any sort of force.

Ciro opened one eye, giving me a confused glance.

"What was that?" he grimaced.

"I can't... I can't do it. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt anyone," I turned away from him, embarrassed. "I'm going back inside. This is hopeless."

"Mira. Stop," said Ciro, putting a hand on my shoulder, "That's all well and noble but that sort of mentality will get you nothing but killed out here. You need to learn how to protect yourself without magic."

I sighed, turning around to face him but still not brave enough to meet his eyes. He stepped back and grabbed the branch off the ground, offering it to me.

"Take it. Try again," he said, "I promise you won't hurt me."

I sighed, taking the branch once again, weighing it once again in my palm. I was so profoundly aware of just how weak I was, rolling it over in my meek little hands. I felt my brow furrow in frustration.

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