Chapter Twenty

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Leron "Reign" King

I had to tell her. This wasn't something that I could hide. I couldn't keep this from her. But I know that all that stress and emotion would not be good for the baby.

I sat on her couch while my mind raced.

"I got food in the fridge if you want." She offered.

I shook my head, "I ain't hungry."

She shot me a knowing look before sitting next to me.

"What's on ya mind?" She asked, with a comforting smile.

I stayed silent. I didn't know what to say.

"He's alive."

Tiana King

My smile dropped.


Ron's head fell in his hands as he sobbed, "He's alive, Ti. He was never dead."


That's all I could manage to get out.

Did he fake his death? Did he want to get rid of me? He didn't wanna be in my life. He must've fallen out of love with me.

I felt myself start to panic. Part of me knew Ron wouldn't lie about something like this, but for some reason I wanted him to tell me this was just a sick joke.

"That's not funny, Leron."

"I'm serious, Tiana." He urged.

He took a deep breath before continuing, "J set him up. I think I know where he is... but I gotta confirm."

I was in shock. I didn't know what to do with that information. Nothing felt real.

Suddenly, a wave of panic washed over me and I collapsed. The next thing I knew, I saw a bright light, beaming in my eye.

Kendrick "Blacks" Franklin

He brought this nurse he was fckn wit to the dirt and put her in the same room as me. She be pissing me off sometimes for no reason. Probably just got used to living alone. Or maybe it's jus cause I miss you. I wake up every morning hoping it's the day I get to see you again. I hope you ain't give my shit away either. (I'm playin but I'm serious) I hope our baby is doing well. I hope it's a girl, but I'll be happy with whatever you give me. I know this journey would've been so much easier for you if I was around, and I wish I was. I'm sorry for my absence, baby love.

I sketch your name in my books everyday. Like I'm in middle school and I got a crush on you... "K+T=<3" type shit. It makes me smile just to see your name. I'm gettin better at drawing too. Hands be tryin me tho cause they difficult for no reason.

"Do you think J is gonna gimme my own room here?" Naomi asked.

I shrugged.

I really didn't know, but I hoped so. Ever since J brought her to the Dirt, she'd been talking my ear off.

"You don't talk a lot do you?" She questioned.

"No." I answered bluntly.

"You shy or sumn?"

I sucked my teeth, "Can you stop asking me questions?"

"I think your problem is you got a lot of sexual aggression built up. I get snappy when I'm horny too."

"I'm not tryna hear bout that shit, lady."

She was genuinely getting on my nerves at that point.

"Look, handsome. We both know we need to release this... energy." She said, putting emphasis on the last word.

"You know fully well I have a wife."

"She thinks you're d-"

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT SHE THINK." I snapped, slamming my hands on the table and getting in her face.

"Don't fuckin speak bout her and don't speak to me no more."

Janet Parker

Josiah walked up behind me to caress my body and kiss me as I sipped my tea. I tried my best to ignore him.

Ti told me about what happened between him and Tommy at the cookout, but I didn't tell him about it.

I didn't wanna lose him. He was mine, he was all I had. And how would I even approach him about it? I felt sick, used, dirty. His presence made me uneasy, but I can't leave him.

"You still mad at me?" He asked.

I playfully rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Lemme take you shopping then." He said, turning me around and grabbing my cheeks.

"Mmm, where you taking me?"

"Anywhere you want, bae."

"Gon ice me out?"

He scoffed, "Easy shit."

"Hmm. Okay, cmon then." I agreed.

"Here." He tossed me an unfamiliar car key. "You can drive ya new car there."

I gasped and ran outside. To my suprise, there was a custom lime green Lamborghini Urus in the driveway with a big pink bow on it.

I ran to the car and checked everything out as J made his way outside.

"Thank you baby! I love it." I said as I hopped out and hugged him.

"You know I gotchu girl."

"Let's break in the backseat before we head out." I whispered in his ear as he grinned.

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