Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Tʜʀᴇᴇ

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TW: this chapter has slight mention of self harm.

I woke up to someone knocking lightly on my door.

"Leave me the fuck alone."

"T... please let me come in." Janet said softly.

"GO AWAY!" I screamed.

"Okay. I'm sorry." I heard her sniffle. I felt like such a bad person. I knew Ken meant a lot to all of us and I was being selfish taking my anger out on them.

"I got you some food and water love. I'll see you later."

It had been a week since Kendrick passed and I clearly wasn't taking it well. It didn't feel real. He should have been here. He should have walked through that door and take me on a lick with him or something. But here I am, on his bed in his trap house for the seventh day in a row. I looked and smelled like shit. I couldn't eat anything and could barely keep water down. I was drained. I couldn't even cry anymore. I had nothing left in me.

I looked at Ken's phone to check the time. I broke mine when threw it against the wall a couple days ago when everyone was calling me. I could almost hear him calling me a hothead. I smiled for a bit at the thought then started crying again.

"Tia I know you don't wanna see me but Auntie Jackie is here." Leron said.

That's why I love my mommy. She always goes above and beyond for hers. That's where I get it from I'm sure.

I gathered all the strength I could and got up. "Damn I'm really musty as hell." I whispered to myself.

I opened the door and all eyes were on me. I could see the pity on their faces.

"Ma?" I asked with the little energy I had.

She saw me and started crying. Almost like she could see the pain on my face. "Aww my poor baby. Come hea pumpkin." She said walking in my direction. She embraced me and I started crying again. I held her back and we went back to his room.

She didn't say anything. She just held me and let me cry. Having her here made me feel better. It gave me the motivation to finally take care of myself properly.

"Get yaself cleaned up and I'll make some chicken noodle soup, okay baby?"

"Thanks ma."

I took a long shower that was very much needed and washed my hair. Afterwards, I took a soak in the tub to relax. I did a face mask and body scrub. I wanted to shave but I couldn't find any of my razors. "Smart asses." I mumbled to myself.

I went back into the room and met new sheets on the bed. I was greatfull for that cause I had that shit stinkin. I could smell momma's cooking from the room. I was craving some spicy shit but I knew that would fuck my stomach up after starving myself for so long.

I put on one of his shirts and my shorts and made my way to the kitchen.

Everyone hailed me but were cautious.

"Hi everyone." I started. "I wanna apologize for how I been actin. I been selfish as fuck cause I know how much Ken meant to y'all and that I'm not the only one grieving right now. Sorry for letting my anger get the best of me. I'll try to control it from now on. And I want y'all to know that your help has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated. I should have been there for you all as well. I love all of y'all and I'm so blessed to have y'all in my life. Thank y'all for everything. And I mean that." I said trying to hold back the tears.

I held out my arms. "Now y'all come gimme some sugar."

They all embraced me. We cried together then ate.

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