35. Absolute Carnage

Start from the beginning

Amai Mask blinked and chuckled. "You never cease to amaze me with the amount of hero work and determination you do. Very well. However, this issue still needs to be straightened out. Would you allow me to speak on your behalf at a press conference?"

"No, I would rather do it myself, in a way for the people to like me more if I just keep doing what I'm doing." Spider-man said.

"Oh there was another subject. Is it true that you and Hellish Blizzard are together?"


"How did you do it?"

"It just happened. We've been hanging out for a while after the incident with the Meteorite that was about to obliterate City-Z. After that, I've been teaching about the values of what it means to be a real hero. You've seen the many good deeds she has done on the news. I take it, she's starting to learn a lot by helping out others."

"Indeed. I must say, it is quite beautiful that heroes can become real life partners in a way because they know what they are getting themselves into."

"I felt the same way about it as well. It scared me at first. Still to be very honest. She's one of the few people who know the real me underneath this mask."

"Does she? Do you not reveal your identity to the public?"

"I mean, people don't know I am. But I just can't take this mask off. I'm not ready for the public life while going out as a normal guy with people knowing what I look like, the other heroes in the Association are accustomed to that but that's not something I want to do. The best I can do is show as much of my true self as I can and that's saving others whether they like or hate me."

"Very well," Amai Mask said, "Should you change your mind by sorting out the media and their claims of you, you know how to reach me."

Spider-man nodded as flips off the balcony web swinging away with a bit of acrobatics to the mix while Amai Mask watches with a smirk, "With great power, comes great responsibility. What an interesting hero you are, Spider-man."


The next day, Tatsumaki knocked on his door. She heard a bit of shuffling before the door opened. "Hey Saitama, I-what the hell are you wearing?"

"Huh? Oh, well you see there's this martial arts tournament and I was gonna join," Saitama said.

"No! That thing on your head!" Tatsumaki said.

"This? It's my disguise," Saitama said, patting the wig on his head.

"I thought you were having a midlife crisis, is there something we need to talk about" Tatsumaki said trying to contain her laughter.

"Hey! That's not nice, it's not like I didn't ask for my hair to fall out." Saitama said.

"Why do you need a disguise anyway," Tatsumaki asked.

"Well, it's Charanko's ticket, but with getting beat up last night by the hero hunter, I'm entering his place in the fighting tournament to see if Garou will be there,'' Saitama explained, "Plus I thought about helping the kid out, helping him and Bang get some recognition for their dojo. I'm actually not doing it for the money anymore since I'm already getting paid by the Hero Association. Class-S get a lot of salaries."

"Damn right." Tatsumaki said while placing a finger on her chin, "Mind if I tag along."

"No, I wouldn't mind. Oi, Genos let's get going."

"Yes, Master."


While the Heroes were heading out for the Super Fight tournament in City-C, the Hero Hunter stirred in the streets of City-R. After getting hit by Saitama's love tap, Garou had finally woken up. He found himself laid out on a pile of trash bags, surrounded by crows.

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