7 | The Bet

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Levi was putting up a fight – kicking and punching everywhere to the point that the snake beastman's arms and shoulders were starting to turn purple. When his hand started to wander a little, she bit down on his shoulder hard, causing the beastman to wince lightly though amazed by how strong the woman was even though she proved time and time again she could stand against him with ease. Without thinking much, he let go and realized too late that she was about to fall.

He thought the woman would cry and then demand him to heal her like most women always did, but he was surprised by how she landed gracefully on her hands and feet, glaring with as much ferocity as any other beastman. 

"You...!" she hissed, "I would have won that fight if I wasn't distracted! That damn naïve girl...!" She finished and crossed her arms, but she never took her eyes off the red-haired beast man. He was quite charmed by how she got so... agitated at losing a fight with him, a tetra-marked feral. It was a rare sight for a female to protect another female with such ferocity, let alone fight against a beastman all on her own and keep up especially!

"The female you were protecting?"

Levi scoffed, making the snake smirk.

"Tsk. Calling her female doesn't do others justice. She is a girl... a child. A cub. A very selfish and naive child who will get herself in so much trouble one day."

She had a militaristic background, having gained a high position, and had seen all kinds of people sign up for various reasons. Not all of them were the correct reason and because of that foolish ideal of either patriotism or even to get away and make something of themselves, they would get themselves killed. Flippancy cost people battles and lives and it never ends well.

Levi had no tolerance for it, not even for her supposed adoptive sister, Bai Qingqing. Gathering herself a bit, she glanced for a moment away from the feral, around the cave. Snakes make their nests in either tree hollows, underground holes, or just about any place where they can hide from predators and gather their strength. They're also cold-blooded animals so this guy was going to have to hibernate once it starts getting cold.

The goal is still the same though. Get to the City of Beasts and find the Ape King and hope he isn't a power-hungry asshole. If all else fails, they could just assimilate and live their lives here. As if Levi would result to that when she's quite stubborn and will do almost everything to get her sister and herself home.

"What is your name, female?" The snake noticed the silence around them and thought he was entertained by the petite female before him as she was quiet, more so than himself.

"It's Levine." She shivered though she was quick to shake it off, crossing her arms and covering up her chest that was still exposed for the entire world to see.

"My name is Curtis." In an attempt to seduce Levi, he smirked – doing whatever male protagonists do in romance novels. (The smolder) Levi stared blankly, moving to get a fire started though Curtis jumped in quickly to tend to it instead. However, Levi pushed him.

"Don't be stupid. You're a snake. You're more sensitive to temperature than I am." She said.

"I'll go hunt." He said as he slithered away, leaving Levi to her thoughts as she stared at the fire and put more firewood and anything else she could burn for the fire to consume.

For a year, she had avoided getting captured by ferals since the attack of the scorpions when they almost got Aileen. They avoided them all as they made their way further into land – Lizards, spiders, snakes. If it was a feral, they avoided or fought back.

"And now I was caught!" Levi said in dismay as she slapped her forehead, sighing deeply. No, she was just caught off guard and if there were no interruptions, she would have won.

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