5 | The Leopard Village

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They didn't even have to run far as the girl that screamed was soon heading towards their direction, but she wasn't the only thing heading their way.

As Levi held onto Aileen, she saw the pack of wolves that were chasing the girl and immediately picked her older sister up again and started sprinting, holding her in her arms, but not before grabbing the mysterious girl as well and having her on her back and unbothered by the added weight as it was nothing compared to other things she had to carry.

The forest was dense, and it gave her a sense of déjà vu again as she saw a perfectly good tree. She looked back to see she was several meters ahead of the pack.

"Start climbing." She lifted them up to the branches they could reach, but she didn't follow them as she stayed below and turned her back to them with Aileen worried about her safety again. They always seemed to run into trouble.

Levi pulled out her sword again as the pack stopped in front of her, but Levi didn't lose her resolve as she glared at the beasts, knowing full well that they weren't regular wolves. One immediately decided to pounce and go for the attack, but it was predictable for the seasoned veteran as she swung her sword diagonally and immediately, the beast was dead. Afterward, they all started to attack at once and Levi quickly dodged and swung, blocking a few times as the ground was soon littered with the wolves' dead bodies.

No matter how many times she had seen Levi fight, there was always a sort of grace that she had, almost like she was dancing, and her opponents were always clumsy and unaware of what she was doing. The girl next to her looked down at the person below and then back at the woman, confusion was written all over her face as she wondered why the woman wasn't worried before Aileen smiled.

"Don't worry. Levi knows what they're doing." She said and was surprised at the young girl grabbing her hand.

"You speak English?!" She cried out as Levi looked up and motioned for them to climb down as it was now safe. Aileen raised a brow of confusion as she was unsure of how to respond. She slowly climbed down without hurting her hands or her new dress since Levi worked hard on it after all and it would be a shame to ruin it. She now had to find a way to repay her back – maybe a new set of clothes or a shampoo made by her favorite scent.

She'll figure it out later.

The young girl climbed down afterward and looked at the twins, in awe of their beauty though mainly focused on Levi as her closest encounter with a handsome boy like Levi was either by the tv shows she's watched or seeing them in passing. Her blush was evident as the words were caught in her throat, wanting to thank the handsome stranger for rescuing her. At the same time, Levi took the time to clean her blade and looked at the girl, watching her every move before looking at Aileen to ensure she didn't get a scratch or anything.

Finally, the girl spoke.

"Thank you for helping me! I'm Bai Qingqing."

The twins looked at the girl simultaneously, hearing a name that sounded familiar.

It wasn't a common name, but it was a name nonetheless from the Acheoweyn Federation. Meaning that the girl was from there and that just like them, she was transported here. But it was clear that the girl wasn't from their era as the dress that she was wearing was clearly not appropriate. There was no way the societal ton would approve of it, especially with a young girl that's just now making her debut to society.

Right now, they shall stick together until the alliance was needed no more.

Aileen was checking on the girl who still seemed frozen on the spot, looking for any wounds. Luckily, she didn't have any that she could see except for a slight swell on her ankle that Levi soon decided to carry the young girl, who now finally spoke yet again.

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