3 | The Jaguar Village

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Some beastmen went ahead to spread the news to the village that a new female and a male will come. Many of the men that stayed behind were soon in awe with the eldest sister, who hid shyly by Levi's side and thanked the higher beings for the cape that easily concealed her.

The ones that caught a glimpse were stunned by the Britannian beauty, her long and shining hair was covered in pearls of various sizes despite Levi scolding her earlier on their journey to dispose of them since they would attract attention. She dropped the suggestion after Aileen gave her the puppy dog eye look.

With Levi, the females that gathered around could feel the intimidating aura surrounding her and the beastmen could tell. Some of the few unmated females blushed at the sight of Levi, seeing that one side of her hair was longer than the other, but wavy just like Aileen's. She had the boyish-young man charm that honestly scared away the majority of men back home all while women flocked to her. It didn't help that she lacked the obvious chest or the preferred womanly curves on her, but after the countless times she's told people she was a woman, she had stopped.

The Jaguar King, Elias, and his group walked towards the center of the village with their people forming a circle as they watched with bated breath to know about the newcomers. With a wave, the crowd was silent to hear their leaders' voices.

"Fear not, my people. I may not have solved who had been stealing from us, but in our search, we encountered something better." He stepped aside, fully revealing the two new faces that knew all eyes were on them.

"These siblings have been left wandering the lands by themselves, unmated, but unharmed. We thank the Beast God for this blessing as we now welcome a female and a new powerful beastman into our village."

There were cheers and some females were attempting to look their best for the new male. The men were eagerly waiting for the Jaguar King to say the word and begin the challenge to see which male shall pursue the new female. Before Elias could get a word in, Levi stepped up while keeping Aileen covered from prying eyes.

"We thank you for your kind hospitality. However, I won't allow my sister to take on any mates at this time." That earned some confused looks that soon erupted into chaos. The men of the village were becoming persistent and looked for Aileen, even so far as to reach towards the cape that covered her, but Levi was faster and glared at the men that dared to touch their persons. Levi glared; fear soon ran through their bodies as they saw the look. They slowly began to calm down.

"But it is unwise to be without a male. The female needs strong males to protect her."

"And I will protect her until such time comes. We were doing fine before we were found. Besides, my sister is already promised to another, and she will not mate until her betrothed is first." Levi roared heatedly at Elias who met her glare with a stern look, but the pressure that she emitted subdued the other males, their hopes dashed to be mated to a beautiful female.

What clan did they belong to the female was not only beautiful, but the male was ethereal as if he was carefully crafted by the Beast God.

Levi grabbed Aileen's hand and pulled her away from the limelight, away from the males that were looking at her like a child in a candy store. This place might approve of females having harems due to the ratio and they have said to assimilate, the two of them were firm believers in being in love with their partner before they consummate the marriage. That is what they understood about the mating that occurred in this world.

This belief was ingrained by the love that they saw in their parents, who loved each other and looked at no other person. Though their father had many times to remarry, he was still not ready to love again for fear of losing them again.

To love is to love forever.


Levi relaxed slightly but was on full alert as she made sure neither of them left by themselves when they needed something from the village or in the surrounding forest. They started to collect things again and find ways to create makeshift items from their old lives using the knowledge from when they were little. Aileen was able to remake her shampoo and conditioner using the oils from flowers and fruits while Levi was able to tailor a new dress for her sister.

As if her sister couldn't get any more beautiful, Levi was overprotective when they went out and the males of the village would stare at them even more, especially Aileen. She could sense her constant discomfort as well as see how many tried to give her gifts or even openly ask to be her mate, to which were met with "I already have a mate – a betrothed" or "I don't need protection. I have Levi."

Amon was her betrothed, her love that she has become loyal to him just as much as he is with her.

"Your Highness... is something wrong?" Levi asked as they stopped to get water, bringing Aileen back from her thoughts of her fiancé, earning a cute blush that made Levi laugh gently.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" Aileen pouted, making Levi laugh again and this time, a few others heard them and blushed at the sound.

"Well, I find it amusing just how you react to an old nickname of yours. But it's also to see if you were listening."

"Listening to what? What did you say?"

"I said we should be very careful if we're staying here a bit longer. Our periods will be coming soon, and we know how they'll react if they find out."

Aileen flinched and looked away, reminded of the fact that they are different from the women of this place. Unlike the women here who can have a period once a year, the twins are able to have one every month. That kind of fertility is what these beastmen look for to increase the population. Levi did not want these beastmen to make her sister into a breeding machine, so she had to find males for her and herself. She knew that she alone would stop possible armies of beastmen wanting her sister to constantly give birth to their offspring.

"You never said what clan you two were from." A voice came from behind them as the twins turned around to see Elias once again, making Levi frown. She didn't like the way he would constantly bother them.


"Hello again, strange ones. Now, about what clan you are from?"

Levi had thought about it, a thought in the works several months back when they first learned of this world and the clans that they encountered. The beauty that they were compared to was of the mermaid clan or fox clan. She had come up with a lie but also told the truth.

"Our mother was of the Fox clan, our father from a great clan that we believe is now long gone. My sister was introduced to a beastman from the Owl clan, who promised to be her guardian until she was mature, but we were separated due to an attack on our clan. We haven't seen anyone from our clan ever since."

Well, it was half the truth.

Levi got up and Aileen followed afterward, sending Elias a farewell before moving to comfort and reason with her younger sister.

Elias watched the cape that followed behind Levi, sensing the air that she eluded. There have been many females of neighboring tribes and his own asking to be their male, but he was never interested. His sense of smell could be wrong but why did the two of them smell like flowers? Could it be because they were twins?

He had to know for sure.


"Should I make perfume?" asked Aileen, writing on the ground her ideas to help improve not only their lives but everyone else's. When Aileen gets her mind into place, there is nothing to stop her determination to help.

"I thought you were going to collect herbs to make medicine and spices."

"Yes, but I would like to smell nice too after our baths. We may be living in prehistoric times but I would rather die than smell it as such. We did the same thing years ago. Oh, that reminds me. We must create something to have for when we must go to the bathroom. Ah, and a water system too. Maybe that will help with crops- "

"One project at a time, Your Highness."

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