4 | Running Away

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The twins continued to live among the Jaguar clan for a long time. They have given them the means to make their lives a bit easier with their inventions like soap and shampoo. Now the females had shiny and glossy hair.

But they have grown restless.

They had grown tired of waiting for their chance to go back home and worried about the people they cared about.

Aileen had the theory that they must have walked into something that possibly killed them, but it would have killed Gerald too since he was leading the way and they haven't seen him at all.

"It's been almost a year now... How come we're not closer to home yet?" She asked her young sister who looked troubled just as much as she did. She has been the one to look for any possible way to go back home, even sneaking away to where they first appeared to recreate the steps but nothing.

The Jaguar clan was starting to get suspicious about Aileen's betrothed and wondered why he hadn't come yet.

Levi hadn't found anyone worthy of her sister here, and she was distrustful of them ever since they basically forced them to join their clan.

"Like I said before. We must endure and adapt. We can't have anyone suspicious of our origin. We have done our reconnaissance, now we must integrate for the time being. Not here though. These men here are brutes."

"True... I wonder how much time has passed back home. Father... Amon and Gerald. They must be alright."

"Of course, they are. Sister, Amon is a great warrior. I have seen him fight and I can't imagine anyone else to protect you." 

((A/n: Just for everyone's sake, for those that are curious how Amon looks like.. well. ;3 ))

But Levi knew that it would be a while before they could go home

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But Levi knew that it would be a while before they could go home. They are in a different world after all.

But she was adamant. They had to leave this village, but in due time since they were on their periods. Knowing the sense of smell the majority of beastmen had, they would find them quickly. She could mask the scent with lots of herbs and dirt, but it can only do so little. And she was definitely not going to risk covering them in a colossal's egg.

Levi found out that the gems and stones that were basically a currency were found in the bodies of Colossal's that beastmen killed for the gems could also be given to the women and they held some magical properties like healing, stamina, and lasting beauty. It's why some beastmen wanted to get stronger, to impress women with the ability to get them the many gems that they wanted.

When the week finally ended, in the middle of the night, Levi and Aileen snuck away from their house, using a few clothing pieces they picked up to mask their scents along with strong herbs before leaving into the forest again, not bothering to look back.

The following morning, Elias was the first to visit the twin's home, but something was immediately wrong as he approached the entrance as he walked in, he saw that it was empty aside from a few containers of herbs and the nice smelling 'shampoo's' that always they always gave away to the village. He didn't find them and immediately went to his guard and sent them into the forest to find them.

His eyes narrowed, thinking the worst already as a feral must have snuck into the village and caught Aileen and Levi went after it. He thought Levi was a fool to go alone and just as was about to leave, he caught the smell of not one female, but two instead when he looked in the direction that they must have gone.

'Two? But... Levi is a beastman... isn't he?'


Levi carried Aileen as she was climbing down a cliff, thankful that her gloves were durable and nonslip thanks to a few charms. Aileen held on tight, her arms around her sisters' neck, and being careful not to choke her before they finally reached the bottom and continued their way, not realizing that the Jaguar village was on high alert and now looking for two females.

They were thankful that they didn't encounter anyone or anything yet, especially ferals.

"So... what are our clues about this world?" They had finally rested in a meadow of flowers in full bloom to mask their scent, Aileen peeling a few nuts and oranges for them to eat as the twins were deep in thought of what they had learned so far.

"Well... their religion is basically a Beast God. From their words, they fully believe in them."

"Good. I've heard about one clan in particular, the Ape clan, said to be not as physically strong as the others, but were strong in mind. They must have a sixth sense or something if that were true."

"And if it is, and they follow the hierarchy around here, they must have a king. That king must have the strongest mind and be able to communicate with something or someone." Aileen concluded as Levi popped an orange slice into her mouth and stood abruptly, looking at the valley ahead before laughing. It was so easy, and they spent almost a year with the Jaguar clan when they could have soon gotten to the Ape clan and asked. Oh, their father would call them foolish.

Aileen joined in the laugh, though remembered to be quiet as it still wasn't safe as she handed Levi her share of the nuts and oranges again.

"It's so simple... Hah. I'm so stupid to not think of this, Aileen. We're going to see the Ape clan." she said, cupping her dear sister's face and seeing Aileen tear up happily, hope flowing through their bodies as they were possibly close on their way back home and back to their loved ones.

Soon afterward, they heard a scream.

A woman's scream.

They stood up and looked at the forest ahead ofthem with batted breaths as the cries continued. Quickly deciding, they rushedforth, hoping that they weren't too late in rescuing the girl.

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