6 | Levi of Britannia Vs Curtis

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To say that Levi was annoyed was an understatement.

Since the day Bai was treated by Harvey, they had found a house far away from any surrounding males but the peace that they built wouldn't last long as males and females arrived. The Males wanted to be either Aileen's or Bai's male and the females asked for Levi to be their male.

The worst one in Levi's opinion was Eudora from the first day, having remembered the overconfident woman finding her coming back from hunting yesterday while bringing two boars, a wolf, and several rabbits – all while carrying them in her arms. Eudora and with her males in front of her waited and asked Levi to be her male.

How straightforward.

But that also encouraged the other women too.

"What a strong male!"

"And he's very handsome too! He definitely needs to be my male!"

"Yours?! Ha! As if he'll choose an ugly female like you!"

After that, she focused on cutting firewood and though she tried to tell them all to stay far away, no one listened as they continued to crowd around her like a spectacle. They were women that already had a harem and Levi was another prize to get for their ever-growing family.

It reminded Levi of the bickering noble women and their ravenous stares at the military men receiving awards at the palace, though it didn't help her either as for a certain time, they also thought she was a man and even when they found out, they didn't stop. It didn't stop the marriage proposals either.

'As if I'll ever marry...' Aileen would scold her for such thoughts, but who would want to marry a woman with callouses and scars on her hands and body? She was lucky to have defended her face and other important body parts well otherwise, they would have ended up with scars as well.

"Female! Beautiful female! Let me become your male! I'm plenty strong!"

"No! Pick me! I'm beautiful! Choose me, Beautiful female!"

Levi ran towards the sounds and found both Aileen and Bai surrounded by the leopard males of the tribe, seeing the blushes on their faces and some already have begun to fight. Bai had stood close to Aileen, who remained calm and looked on before seeing Levi and smiled at the help they were to gain. Levi wasted no time as she made her way in between the two girls, pulling them away as she thought it would be nice for them to walk – all while glaring at the males who immediately ran away after sensing and seeing the intimidating aura on her.

After weeks of staying here, they still haven't come close to discovering Levi's true gender, making the young twin laugh at how clueless they were despite being part beast. Though she stopped as she recalled that their periods would be coming soon.

She kept hers a well-kept secret from everyone aside from Aileen to further go along with the plan of her being male. Bai was one of the people that also didn't figure out Levi was a woman just yet.

Levi learned about that because Bai would always blush and fidget whenever the younger twin was around. She didn't know what to say as it would be different if it was some noblewoman or commoner that was a stranger to her, but Bai? It was weird.

But on a lighter note, the only one in the Leopard Village that didn't annoy Levi much was Harvey, who seemed to have a sensible head on his shoulders. He was considered weak as he had no marking on him at all and he didn't fight. His passion was medicine and Aileen shared that passion on the first day of the meeting. In return for his help, Levi gathered medicine in exchange for looking after Aileen and Bai when she went out to get food.

Harvey was also the only one (so far) that they shared their true origins to.

"Human?" He asked curiously as he looked between the two girls and the male in front of him. Before they spilled their story, Levi and Harvey did a quick perimeter check to see if any other male was stupid enough to enter another male's territory. Luckily, Levi didn't have to fight and went back to the doctor's hut and proceeded to tell their story.

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