Chapter Thirteen: Take Over

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~Beth POV~

Eddie had exited the store just as Imogen, Steve and I were getting piled into the cop car. I clocked him with my eyes and gave him an expression of 'wait there' and 'stay back'. Luckily, Eddie clocked it and hid himself from the cops, by his van, but also looked confused and worried. I didn't want him and the others being dragged into this mess like we already were. I was extremely nervous about going to the police station, just because of my mom and now Hopper. What were we meant to say to the police? How did we explain the weapons and gasoline?
Steve sat between Imogen and I in the car, moaning and groaning the whole way to the station. His face was swollen and bloody, already had bruises forming on him.
"We've already explained to you what we were doing!" Imogen argued to the cops.
"We've already told you, you can explain yourselves to the Chief." said the one driving.
"Imogen, my mom is going to know. Hopper will tell her!" I panicked.
"Calm down. We'll get this sorted. We haven't done anything wrong." Imogen tried to reassure. I could feel my heart pounding in my throat.
"Ugh...are we there yet? I can't open my left eye." moaned Steve. Imogen held a cold compress that the cops provided, to his head.
"Stop moving, you'll make it worse." Imogen said to him. Watching them two together; I could see Imogen had care in her eyes for Steve. No matter how much she denied it, I could tell she had feelings for him. Especially after him sticking up for her like he did.
"Right. Get out, let's go." said one of the cops as he pulled into the station. I looked out the window up at the station and gulped, feeling my anxiety starting to set in. Imogen and I helped Steve out of the car and followed behind the two cops, into the building. They sat us down in the waiting area. "Stay here. Chief will be with you soon." said the cop. I felt my heart pound in my chest at the comment.
"Anyone else see birds? I see lots of birds." slurred Steve.
"I think he may be concussed." said Imogen. "Hey, you okay?" I turned and saw she was looking at me with an almost concerned look.
"Uh...I'm kind of freaking out." I replied.
"Why? We haven't done anything wrong." said Imogen, not seeming to be phased at all.
"We had a car full of weapons. That totally looks suspicious!" I said.
"Well if someone didn't leave the trunk open, we wouldn't be in this situation." snapped Imogen.
"I'm sorry! I panicked with the whole Billy thing, I didn't even think about closing the trunk. I didn't think the police would come either." I apologised.
"Look, it's fine. I have a plan anyway. I just need to talk to Hopper alone." Imogen came out with.
"What? Why?" I asked, confused.
"Miss Henderson, Mr Harrington and ah...Miss Knight. Didn't expect to see you here." interrupted Hopper. I felt anxiety take over my stomach as he towered over us.
"Is that Santa Clause?" Steve mumbled.
"Guessing he's concussed?" asked Hopper, raising an eyebrow at Steve.
"Hopper, I have some information I think you really need to hear." Imogen said, standing up. She was yet still tiny next to Hopper. He was like a giant.
"Miss Henderson, I'll be talking to you all individually so please sit back down."
"Seriously, let me talk to you first. I have information." pushed Imogen.
"I'm not going to tell you again, now sit-"
"It's about Chrissy Cunningham!" interrupted Imogen. Hopper fell silent and looked at her with his brow lowered. What the hell was Imogen planning on telling him? Surely not the truth, there's no way he'd believe her!
"My office. Now." he said to her quietly. "I'll deal with you in a minute." Hopper said, pointing at me. I gulped at his comment. My nerves were jangled in that moment, I didn't know what to expect.

~Imogen POV~

I followed Hopper into his office. He sat me down on one side of his desk and then closed the door behind me.
"Look, kid, if this is some sort of prank then you know you can be done for wasting police time, right?" said Hopper as he sat down opposite me.
"Chrissy is dead." I came out with.
"And how would you know that?" he replied.
"Look, I know you know about the Upside Down." I said, looking him in the eyes. I saw his expression change to something more serious.
"I, uh, I don't know what you're talking about." he tried to cover.
"Hopper. I know everything. I've seen the Upside Down. So has Beth. She's been inside it actually. Dustin told me everything. The Demogorgons are back and they took Chrissy." I spilled.
"Hold up, Beth's been in the Upside Down?" Hopper asked, looking concerned.
"Yeah. That's what I just said." I replied. He stood himself up and headed for the door. He swung it open and shouted out to Beth and Steve.
"Hey! You two! Get in here, now!" He walked back over to his desk and shortly after, in came Beth helping in a wobbly Steve. "Close the door." Hopper said, sternly. I could see the panic in Beth's face. She had no idea what was about to happen. "Look, if what you're telling me-"
"I'm sorry! Please don't tell my mom!" Beth interrupted Hopper.
"Beth, chill." I said to her.
"Where are we?" asked Steve.
"That's the thing, kid, we're not going to tell your mom. Imogen here says you've been in the Upside Down?" Hopper said to her. Beth looked at him confused and panicked.
"That's...that's just this game-" she nervously chuckled before Hopper interrupted.
"Kid. It's okay. I know. I've seen it before. I've been through it before. I know everything." Hopper said to her. Beth looked at him with a shocked expression, not knowing what to say.
"I thought this had come to an end the last time. I didn't realise it was back again." said Hopper.
"That's what's taken Chrissy. And if it's taken Chrissy, who knows what it'll do next. It almost got Beth." I said.
"Beth, what did you see. What did you see when you were in the Upside Down?" Hopper asked her.
"W-what is going on!? You're being serious, right?" Beth replied.
"Didn't you hear when Dustin explained? Hopper was involved. So was Mrs Byers."
"Joyce, yes. This is why her kid isn't better then." said Hopper.
"Wait? Dustin's friend, Will? What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well, I'm assuming you know what happened to Will last year?" started Hopper.
"Yeah, Dustin explained." said Beth.
"Well, he's been having these...episodes. Joyce has been taking him to the lab to figure out what is happening to him. But now you've come to me with this may all be linked."
"So Will is still experiencing things? Like from the Upside Down?" asked Beth.
"Yes. How did you get there? Is there another gate?" asked Hopper.
"In the woods. Beth went through a gate in a tree." I said.
"Where about's?"
"Uh, east walk entrance. About two miles in, I think?" I replied.
"Right. I need to go and check it out." said shopper standing up.
"Oh is it time to wake up?" asked Steve, looking around. His face was still swollen.
"We can show you." I said, also standing up.
"No. You guys aren't getting involved more than you already are." said Hopper.
"Wait what?" said Beth.
"What? We can help. We have tools." I said.
"Yeah, a bunch of weapons you got from the War Zone and got caught with? I don't think so, kids. I'm keeping you safe. I need to keep you safe." said Hopper looking at Beth.
"But...but my mom. Do we tell her?" asked Beth.
"No. No, we don't tell her any of this. Chrissy is still a missing persons case for now. Just until I retrieve her body." Hopper replied.
"Hopper, we can help." I persisted.
"I said no. You kids need to be kept safe. Last time was bad enough, now that you two are involved as well, I can't risk any harm coming. I want you to take him home," started Hopper, pointing at Steve. "and stay home. Stay together and stay safe. I've got this."
"That's final." he interrupted me. I groaned and then went to help Steve up, Beth stood there, thinking.
"This is stupid." I said, putting Steve's arm over my shoulder before turning to Hopper's door to leave. Just as Beth was about to follow behind me, Hopper stopped her.
"Hey kid. You got a minute?" he asked her. She looked at me and I raised an eyebrow at her.
"Uh, yeah." she replied.
"We'll wait out front." I responded before exiting Hopper's office.

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