Chapter Twenty Three: The Final Battle

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~Imogen POV~

Steve and Eddie kept digging until they hit something. A black vine reached up and wrapped around Eddie's shovel.
"Whoa!" he exclaimed as he tried to pull it off. Steve hit the vine and split it, causing it to screech and release Eddie's shovel. "Thanks man." said Eddie.
"Looks like that's it." said Robin, peering in. I looked down and saw the gate. It was covered in the black vines. Steve and Eddie began digging their shovels into it, making the vines clear the opening.
"Here." said Dustin, holding a bandana, goggles and marigolds out to me.
"Uh...why do I need this?" I asked.
"Protection." he replied.
"I think you're forgetting they've already been in the Upside Down, sport." said Robin.
"And Steve went in with no shoes on." added Eddie.
"I kind of wish I had picked up shoes and a top." said Steve, still barefoot and wearing Eddie's vest.
"Yeah, don't think we'll need those." I winked at Dustin.
"Suit yourself." he replied. I looked back at Max. Lucas and Mike and saw they had all geared up the same as Dustin. Steve and Eddie continued to chop away at the vines until it was a completely clear opening and that's when the ash of the Upside Down started to float out of it.
"Okay, that's clear. Do we have rope?" asked Steve.
"Duh." replied Dustin as he held rope out to him.
"Okay, smart ass." Steve replied, snatching it from him. "Go tie the other end to the car." he said, instructing Dustin.
"Uh...guys? Don't suppose you'd want a look-out out here? It's just...I'm still not one hundred percent on going in there." said Robin, nervously. I could tell she really didn't want to go in the Upside Down after hearing all our stories about it.
"It's okay. You can stay here." I smiled at her. Robin sighed with relief.
"Wait, what if something happens to Robin?" asked Steve.
"I don't mind staying to keep watch with her." said Eddie, raising a hand.
"Are you sure?" I asked him.
"Yeah. We'll make sure the car isn't stolen or any company comes this way." Eddie smiled.
"So you guys can take the kids on a day trip to the Upside Down." said Robin. "Doesn't sound like a fun day trip."
"You sure you wanna go?" Steve asked me, coming to my side.
"You're not going alone, mister." I smirked at him. Steve smiled back and then spotted my neck, having the smile instantly wiped off his face. He placed his hand on my neck gently, looking at what must of been marks from where Billy had choked me. "It's fine." I said to him.
"No, it's not. I won't let anything ever hurt you again. I promise." Steve said to me. I looked at him doe eyed. I had never had such a protective male figure in my life and who knew that it was going to be Steve 'the hair' Harrington.
"The rope is tied!" Dustin screamed at us. Steve let go of my neck and went to sort out the other end of the rope.
"You're certain you want to stay here?" I asked Robin and Eddie, turning to them.
"Yeah, we got your back from here." replied Eddie.
"Way, way up here." chuckled Robin.
"If you get into any trouble, honk the horn as hard as you can. We should be able to hear it." I replied. Suddenly, Robin leaned into me and gave me a big hug. I was startled by the sudden interaction and froze for a second.
" safe, okay?" Robin said to me. I relaxed my body and wrapped my arms around her back.
"You too."
"Holy shit, she hugged me back." said Robin with a smile as she released me.
"Don't get use to it." I smirked at her.
"Are we ready?" asked Steve.
"Let's burn this son of a bitch." said Mike as he was followed by Max and Lucas. Dustin started handing gasoline to Steve and Steve started throwing them down inside the gate. Steve took the lead and went down the rope into the Upside Down first to check it out.
"Okay, it's clear. Come on down!" he called up to us.
"Go on." I said, putting the kids forward first. Max went down first, followed by Lucas, Mike and then Dustin.
"Hey." Eddie stopped me before I was about to head down. "Good luck."
"Thanks." I replied. I then grabbed the rope and started to climb down. Steve had his hands at the ready to help me down. As my feet touched the floor, my body was pressed up against Steve's as we were face to face.
"You okay?" he asked. I smiled and nodded in reply.
"So, according to Will's drawing, it's further in." said Mike, holding the drawing.
"Of course it is." sighed Max. We all grabbed a bottle of gasoline each and then began to venture into the Upside Down tunnels. The walls looked slimy and had vines wriggling around on them. We made sure to keep our eyes and ears open. Dustin brought us all flashlights too as it was always dark in the Upside Down.
"This place is gross." said Lucas, looking around.
"Yeah, well, at least you're not barefoot." said Steve. I cringed at the thought of the slimy floor touching his feet.

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