Chapter Six: The Fairy and The Pirate

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~Imogen POV~

When I left the gymnasium, I ended up bumping into Eddie in the parking lot and we left together to go get his drugs. Billy and my asshole friends didn't try to follow me out, probably because they didn't care about what just happened to me. I was even more freaked out than before and I felt like Eddie could sense it. Eddie never parked his van in the parking lot, but down the street instead since that's where he kept his stash most of the time.
"So, uh, Tigers win?" asked Eddie as we walked down the street together. I always felt an almost nervous presence come from Eddie when he was around me. I knew I intimidated people, but I never thought I'd intimidate Eddie.
"Uh, yeah. If you couldn't tell from the cheering chimps." I said, crossing my arms.
"Yeah, looks like a victory for all. Your brother played pretty well tonight." chuckled Eddie.
"What with your nerdy-ass game?" I asked.
"As you call it, but yes. Although we had a new party member take the win." said Eddie.
"Oh yeah?" I asked, as if I was actually interested.
"New girl, Beth whatever her last name is. She Got similar hair to you." said Eddie as he looked up at my hair.
"Really? Why's everyone saying that?" I groaned.
"Oh...uh...I don't know...same colour I guess?" stuttered Eddie. I rolled my eyes as we approached his van.
"Mines blonde. Hers is grey." I replied, bluntly. Eddie blinked a few times before reaching for his van door. He slid the side open and hopped in, turning back to face me.
"You know the drill." he said, offering his hand out to me. I checked my left and my right before taking Eddie's hand, making sure no one was around. Especially Billy. Billy didn't like it when I spoke to literally any other guy. He was the protective type, I guess.
"So, what's your poison tonight?" asked Eddie as I slid the van door closed behind me. He had his metal tin out and opened in front of him, showing all types of smokes, liquids and powders. I sat there a thought for a second.
"Got anything...strong?" I asked. Eddie looked up at me with concern in his eyes.
"Strong? You usually go for the Xanax right? Why would you need anything stronger?" he asked. I didn't reply, just looked at him. "Are you okay?" he asked, studying me.
"I'm fine." I replied, quickly.
"You just, I don't know. Don't punch me for saying this but, you seem off." I didn't know what to say back to him. What happened to me in the gymnasium earlier and what I saw, I felt like maybe I really was crazy. Why was I seeing that horrible thing? What was it? "Imogen?" Eddie asked as he awaited my reply.
"Do you ever you're losing your mind?" I asked him, feeling as if I would regret saying that.
" know...only on a daily basis." Eddie laughed. I didn't crack a smile back, I just looked down. Eddie noticed and slowly wiped the smile off his face. "Why'd you ask? You think you're going crazy?"
"It's just...I thought..." I started. I looked at Eddie who was waiting with anticipation. "Nothing. No. I'm just being stupid." I back tracked.
"Hey, I know I'm only your dealer and known as the freak but, I'm all ears if you need anything off your chest, 'kay?" smiled Eddie.
"Thanks." I replied. Eddie tapped his hand on his knee before taking a deep inhale.
" said you wanted something strong. I have these, pure ecstasy pills. Will have you buzzing all night long." Eddie held up a bag of green pills.
"Will they make you forget about things for a few hours? Like, distract?" I asked. Eddie looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"You sure you're okay?" he asked again.
"Yeah, just, whatever. How much?" I said, shaking my head.
"Usually fifty bucks for the whole bag but I'll do it for forty, since it looks like you need it." he smiled. I nodded my head and reached into my bag, grabbing my purse to get the dollar bills out. Eddie and I exchanged money and drugs before I put them in my bag and then made my way out of his van.
"Well...thanks, Eddie." I replied, looking back at him.
"No worries, Imogen. Billy taking you home?" Eddie asked, leaning out of the van.
"No...I'm walking." I replied.
"No board?"
"Lost it."
"It's dark out, need a ride?" Eddie asked.
"A discount and a lift home from Eddie 'the freak' Munson?" I smirked at him.
"I ain't all bad." he said, hoping out the side door and then closing it behind him.
"Isn't it out of your way?" I said.
"Nah, just a detour. Rather you get home safe than be blamed for your murder." Eddie smiled as he opened the passenger door for me. I sighed with a small smile before hoping into the passenger side of Eddie's van. Eddie closed the door behind me and then made his way over to the drivers side and hopped in himself.

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