Chapter Three: Stay Away

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~Imogen POV~

Class ended that day and I made my way out into the car park. I always brought my skateboard with me, just in case Billy left me behind, which he did sometimes. I looked across the lot and saw his car still parked there.
"Imogen, hey!" said Steve as he came up to me. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him. "You know what I said earlier...about if you're free for the Halloween party, I just...that wasn't...I didn't mean-"
"It's cool, Steve." I interrupted him. "I thought nothing of it."
", cool, cool. But,'m gonna ask Beth if she wants to come." Steve said, trying to change the subject. I nodded at him, unsure why he was telling me this information.
"Okay. Well, see you there." I said as I began to turn away.
"Wait, are you coming to the game?" Steve blurted out. I turned back to face him again. "I mean like, Billy is playing but I am too and I just thought it would be cool if you came, you know."
"I'll be there." I replied. Steve broke out a small smile before I turned away and headed towards Billy's car again. Billy was now leant up against his car, looking dead at me. I knew he saw me talking to Steve. I sighed as I knew he was going to say something to me as I approached him. He kept his eyes locked on Steve as Steve headed the other direction and I came closer.
"Talking to Harrington again?" Billy said, bluntly.
"He just said hi." I replied.
"Didn't look like he just said hi." Billy turned and faced me. I looked at him with my lips slightly parted, not knowing what to say next. "What did I tell you about talking to Harrington?"
"Billy...he's harmless." I defended. Billy let out a smile and then closed himself in on me.
"What did I tell you about talking to Harrington? You stay away, you hear me?" he threatened. I scowled at him, looking him dead in the eye. I wanted to fight back but at the same time, I couldn't be bothered to argue with him. Neither of us backed down in arguments. "Get in the car." he demanded, pushing me away from him.
"What about Max?" I asked, noticing she wasn't in sight.
"Shit-bird is late again, I told her I'd leave her behind. She can skate home." snapped Billy.
"I think we should ju-"
"Get in the car!" Billy shouted at me, interrupting me.
"Fine!" I snapped back as opened the passenger door and flopped myself inside. I turned my body away from him and looked out the window, pissed off with his asshole attitude. Across the car park, I spotted grey, curly hair exiting the building with the weird band girl. It was the new girl, Beth. She seemed to look a lot more chipper than earlier that day, when Carol tripped her up. Wish I could of let a smile spread on my face like she could. I wish I just felt more in general, instead of just being numb. Billy roared his engine to life, making me jump a little before reversing out of the parking space and exiting the school, carelessly. He was even more of a reckless driver when in a bad mood.

~Beth POV~

An engine roared as it exited the car park, catching mine and Robin's attention. It was a blue Camaro, the same car that the assholes and Imogen were standing in front of at the beginning of the day. Robin and I stopped in our tracks and watched as it exited the school, carelessly driving.
"What a tool." said Robin.
"Is that...their car?" I asked.
"If you mean their as in Billy's, yes. That's Billy and his asshole driving." replied Robin. "How's your face from earlier by the way? I haven't checked in with that."
"'s fine...I've had worse." I nervously chuckled.
"Hi, um, excuse me?" we heard a voice from behind us. I turned around and saw a small child with brown, curly hair and a cap on, wearing a Hellfire t-shirt. "Sorry to bother you, I know we don't know each other but I'm Dustin Henderson." he introduced himself. This was who Robin told me about earlier, Imogen's brother.
"I'm Robin." smiled Robin.
"Beth." I replied.
"Pleasure to me you both, uh, this might be weird but I was wondering if either of you would be interested in Hellfire? See, we need a sub." asked Dustin.
"Your nerdy DND club?" asked Robin.
"Yeah, I mean, Lucas was supposed to be joining but turns out he's got this family dinner thing on the night, which means he couldn't even go to the championship game if he wanted since it's the same night-"
"Wait, same night as the championship? Yeah, that's me out." Robin cut him off.
"Oh really?" said Dustin.
"I'm in band. I have to be there." she replied. "I'm sure Beth is free though, right?"
"I thought you wanted me at the game?" I asked Robin, quietly.
"Well, it's up to you." Robin smiled.
"Eddie will gravely appreciate your efforts of joining us. We're kind of running out of options." Dustin laughed nervously.
"Eddie?" I questioned.
"Yeah, he's the leader of Hellfire. It's his campaign. He told Mike and I to go find a sub for Lucas, so far we've had no luck. You'd be doing us a huge favour if you joined us." Dustin said, hopeful. I looked over at Robin who gave me a smile and shrug and then back at Dustin who had a sparkle in his eyes. Steve wanted me to go to the game but then again, I had a slight attraction towards Eddie and I was curious on why and what sort of attraction it was. The best way to find out would be to go to his game.
"Sure, I'll come." I smiled at Dustin.
"Yes! Awesome, thank you, you don't know how much of a life saver you are! I'll let Eddie know!" cheered Dustin as he began to walk away.
"You just made his nerdy, little day." said Robin as we both watched him run off.
"He's nothing like Imogen? Well, as in the whole vibe." I said.
"Yeah, he seems more chipper and full of life. Imogen seems a little dead inside." said Robin as she began to walk the opposite direction. I turned and followed her. "Looks like you're going to be hanging out with Eddie 'the freak' Munson." added Robin.
"I guess so. My mom said I needed to make new friends? So, I guess that's one way of doing it." I said.
"Congratulations you've befriended a band girl and a thirteen year old." smiled Robin. I giggled at her comment.
"Oh no, thought I'd be doing a little better in the friend department." I joked. Robin gasped with a smile at me. "I didn't mean it!" I immediately tried to recover.
"Beth Knight, was that sarcasm? I never thought." she winked at me. I really liked Robin. She was extremely down to earth and wise too. I definitely thought she was a great option for friendship.

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