Chapter Nine: The Search

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~Beth POV~

Robin and I didn't do much for the rest of the day apart from hang out and prepare ourselves for the search party. We listened to the radio, hearing when the search was going to be announced. I knew mom told me to not go out late, but I knew the search party would continue into the night. Being out searching with a bunch of people would mean we were safe though. We sat in the kitchen, eating a snack and listening out to the radio.
"I reckon we'll find her out there. Just like they found Will." said Robin, eating a slice of toast.
"Didn't you say they found Will after a week though?" I joined.
"Well, yeah, but the police know what they're doing this time round. Surely."
"Yeah. I hope so." I said.
"Your mom seems to be a big help with Hopper." said Robin.
"Yeah. Well, I mean, they are dating." I smirked.
"Shut up!" said Robin, mouth open.
"I was the same, mom told me the other night that they had a date!"
"That's so cute. Especially after what you told me about your mom last night. Sounds like she definitely needs it." she said, taking another bite of toast.
"Yeah." I said, smile fading.
"The search party for Chrissy Cunningham will begin tonight at seven PM. For those who have volunteered, please meet at the Town Hall at said time." said the radio.
"Seven PM. That's in an hour." I said.
"We better get geared up!" said Robin.
I had found some flashlights and some other bits to help with the search. Robin and I put on our boots and I let her borrow a warm coat and hat, then we packed our bags with water and first aid items, just in case.
"You sure your mom won't freak out when she sees us there?" asked Robin.
"Can't guarantee it. But she should be fine." I replied. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
"Expecting someone?" asked Robin.
"Not that I know of." I replied. I went ahead and opened the front door. The sight before me filled my stomach with butterflies.
"Hey...uh, were you just about to head out?" asked Eddie as he stood before me.
"Oh...hey, uh, yeah. We...we were." I stuttered, letting a smile come on to my face.
"Hey!" said Robin as she joined my side.
"Hi. Ah, I just uh, I came back from my jacket. Kind of chilly without it." chuckled Eddie.
"Oh! Yes, right, of course!" I said, turning towards the stairs. "Come in, wait there!" I said to him as I ran up the stairs. I entered my bedroom and grabbed his jacket off my chair before heading back down again. Eddie watched me with a smile as I came back down the stairs with his jacket.
"Thank you, peach." he smiled as he took it off me.
"So, you heard the news?" asked Robin.
"What news?" Eddie asked back, putting his jacket on.
"There's a search party. For Chrissy Cunningham." I said.
"What? Seriously?" Eddie asked, shocked.
"Yeah, it's like all over the news." said Robin.
"Shit, really?"
"How do you not know this?" I asked.
"Trailer park boy doesn't really listen to the radio. Usually just brainwashing shit." chuckled Eddie.
"Well it's true. We're joining the search party, tonight." said Robin.
"Ah, so that's why you're all dressed up like you're on a mission." Eddie said, looking me up and down. I blushed at him, trying to hide it.
"What do you say, Munson? Joining us?" Robin asked, punching his arm.
"Well, to be honest, she was acting pretty sketchy when I last saw her so-"
"Wait, when did you see her last?" I cut in.
"Uh...your mom works with the police right?" Eddie asked, nervously.
"Yeah...what does that have to do with anything?" I asked, eyebrow raised.
"Um...I saw Chrissy yesterday." Eddie came out with.
"What? Really? When?" I asked.
"Like early in the morning, way before the Halloween party. She wanted to buy." explained Eddie.
"Drugs? Chrissy Cunningham was buying drugs off of you?" questioned Robin.
"Shh, Shh, Shh! Yes." hushed Eddie to Robin, finger on lips.
"We need to tell mom and Hopper then." I said.
"Wait, I don't think that's actually a good idea, Beth." said Robin.
"Huh?" I questioned.
"Yeah, maybe not." said Eddie.
"If the police knew that Eddie saw her last, they'll want him for questioning and that could lead to him being a suspect." said Robin.
"Yeah and I mean, I have a load of drugs at my place which I don't think I can hide." nervously chuckled Eddie.
"Oh. Right...right, yeah that's fair enough." I replied. "So we just pretend you didn't see her?" I asked Eddie.
"Probably for the best." Robin answered.
"I'm down to help find her though." said Eddie.
"You said she was acting sketchy. Sketchy how?" I asked, remembering Eddie's comment.
"Well, first off it was weird that Chrissy Cunningham was coming to me for drugs anyway. But, she didn't seem her cheery self like how she is around school, y'know? She seemed almost, terrified." started Eddie.
"Did she say what happened?" asked Robin.
"No. She just wanted some strong drugs and then she went on her way. I thought she wanted them for the party, but she didn't show up so I guess not." said Eddie. That's when I suddenly started to remember something I saw the night before.
"Eddie, what was Chrissy wearing when you saw her last?" I asked.
"Her usual cheerleading outfit." said Eddie.
"Was her hair blonde and tied back?"
"That sounds like Chrissy." said Robin. I stood there and thought for a second, concentration on my face.
"What is it?" Eddie asked.
"I think I saw her." I came out with.
"What? Where?" asked Robin.
"The the house we were at last night."
"Tina's house?" questioned Robin.
"Yeah. I remember looking over the fence and I swore I saw a girl in a cheerleading outfit. She looked petrified of something." I said.
"Or...someone." said Robin.
"Do you think she was running away from someone?" questioned Eddie.
"I have no idea, I got cut off by Carol before I could say or do anything. I've only just remembered now." I said. "Should I inform my mom and Hopper?"
"Eddie, your vans outside, right?" asked Robin, picking up her bag.
"Uh, yeah, why?"
"Robin, what are you doing?" I asked.
"Look, if she was lurking around the woods last night it's best if we get to her first. If she was as petrified as you said she looked, I'm sure she would rather have three, high school kids find her than every police, mother and daughter, right?" said Robin.
"So you want us to just head straight to the woods?" asked Eddie.
"What about the search party?" I asked.
"The search party starts at the town hall. We can beat them to the woods and have a chance at finding her quicker." Eddie and I looked at each other for a second before back at Robin. "Come on, let's move it."
"Okay, sounds like we're doing that." said Eddie, unsure. I went to bend down to reach for my bag but Eddie had the same idea and we both collided heads.
"Ow!" I exclaimed.
"Shit! Sorry, peach!" laughed Eddie.
"It's okay." I laughed back.
"Here, let me. You stay up there." said Eddie, bending down again. He picked up my bag and slung it over his shoulder. "After you." he said, making room for me to go out the door first. I flashed him a smile and then blushed slightly as I walked past, heading for his van.

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