Chapter Seven: Halloween

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~Beth POV~

The car ride to the party was pretty quiet. Steve kept looking at me awkwardly, not knowing what to say whilst Robin sat in the back, darting her eyes between us. I could feel her eyes on me.
"So...been to many parties here before?" asked Steve, trying to start a conversation.
"She just moved here, Steve." Robin replied. I tried to hide a smile.
"Oh...yeah...of course." said Steve, a little embarrassed.
"This is my first party." I said to Steve to try and make him feel less awkward. He looked at me and smiled, appreciative.
We arrived at the house where the party was being hosted. It was quite a big house, no doubt with a pool in the garden.
"Right, here we go, ladies." said Steve as he hopped out the car. He quickly rushed around to my side and opened my door for me.
"Thanks." I smiled at him as I climbed out, trying not to get my wings caught on the car.
"Well, I've never felt so weird." said Robin as she appeared beside me.
"Weird? I feel nervous as hell." I said as I saw already about fifty people just lingering outside the house.
"Come on, ladies. It's a high school party." started Steve. "We're here to get drunk and have a good time. Let's go." he smiled as he led the way. Robin looked at me with an eyebrow raised before we both followed Steve towards the house. People looked at me as I walked past, probably trying to figure out who I was since I was still classed as the new kid. Anxiety brewed up inside of me but I tried to ignore it and tried to enjoy my night with Robin. Steve opened the front door and that's when the music became clear and I had sights of even more people inside.
"Welcome to the best night of the year!" said Steve, putting his sunglasses back on again. I stood there and started to do deep breathing. I felt pressure on my hand and realised it was Robin, holding it. She must of saw me enter a small panic but having her by my side made me feel a little more relaxed. She smiled at me.
"Hey, let's have fun." she spoke softly. I nodded my head with a smile, exhaling. Steve led the way through the crowd and towards the kitchen to go grab us some drinks. Everyone was dressed up in some way or another so I felt a bit better on not being the only one. Robin held my hand and led me through the people. I tried not to make eye contact with too many as everyone looked at me as I passed.
"Here we are." said Steve as we approached the kitchen breakfast bar. There was a huge punch bowl sat on it.
"What's in this?" I asked.
"No idea, but it'll get us buzzing!" said Steve as he began to pour all three of us a cup. He handed it to me with a smile and a wink whilst I took it off him, slightly uncertain. "Cheers, ladies!" Steve toasted Robin and I and then chugged his drink.
"Down the hatch!" said Robin as she shotted hers. I took a deep breath and then threw back my drink.
"Woo!" exclaimed Steve. I grimaced as the drink went down my oesophagus. It tasted vile, definitely too much alcohol in it.
"That was so gross!" I said to Robin.
"Definitely...another?" she smiled.
"Sure!" I laughed.
"Now you're getting into the mood." added Steve.

~Imogen POV~

Billy, Carol, Tommy and I walked through the front door of the party. I still wasn't in the party mood after everything that had happened. Seeing that creature and then Billy almost hitting my brother, I just wasn't in the spirits. I could also feel the bags forming under my eyes from the lack of sleep I had been getting ever since the first sighting of the creature.
"What's up, Hawkins!" shouted Billy as we entered the room. The party goers all cheered for him, making me roll my eyes.
"Who knew this party would be this packed?" Carol asked me. I nodded at her comment. "Hey, did you get the good stuff?"
"You know I did." I replied.
"Come on then, hurry it up." Carol stood in front of me to block Billy's view as he basked in the attention. I put my hand between my breasts and pulled out the bag of pills. Carol quickly grabbed them and took three pills out and then shoved the bag in her bra.
"Hey!" I said.
"What? Imagine if Billy caught you with these on you? Trust me, they're better safe with me." said Carol. I didn't argue, it probably was better for Carol to keep a hold of them.
"Let's go get a drink." said Tommy as he put his arm around Carol. Billy had already led the way to the breakfast bar in the kitchen, but by the way he was walking, it was because he spotted someone over there. I caught up with him and saw he was at a stand off with Steve with the weird girl and Beth stood by. Steve removed his sunglasses and stared Billy down.
"We've got ourselves a new keg King, Harrington!" Tommy shouted to Steve.
"Is that so?" said Steve.
"You asking for me to prove it?" said Billy, standing tall.
"Be my guest." said Steve.
"Oh yeah, a keg off!" exclaimed Tommy. "To the garden!"
"Really?" smirked Carol. Billy and Steve started to make their way from the kitchen, towards the back doors.
"I'll be back in a bit, have fun." Steve said to Beth and the weird girl. Did Steve really come to this party with her? Steve turned and looked at me with a small smile before following Billy and Tommy outside.
"Billy is gonna drunk him under the table!" laughed Carol. I looked over at Beth and the weird girl who were standing there, awkwardly. Carol caught my sights and looked over at them. "Oh look, little Miss too high and mighty to say hello and the weird band girl. Cute costumes." she said, sarcastically.
"It's Beth and Robin if you actually wanted to learn our names." snapped the weird girl, Robin.
"Oooh, touchy!" smirked Carol.
"Look, I don't know what I did to upset you but please can you just leave me alone?" perked up Beth. She looked pretty nervous to talk to Carol, very intimidated by her. Carol looked her up and down.
"Gosh, you're such a prune. It was only a little fun but if you're going to get cocky-"
"I'm not getting cocky. You're just being a bully for the sake of it and I really don't appreciate it. Leave me alone." Beth interrupted Carol. I looked at Beth with an eyebrow raised, impressed, whilst Carol gave her a dirty look.
"Come on, let's go dance." said Robin as she dragged Beth away from the breakfast bar.
"Ugh, how rude!" exclaimed Carol.
"You were being a bitch." I said to her.
"Said Queen bitch." snapped Carol. I rolled my eyes at her. "Anyways, we've got these pills and the boys are out of sight, so..." she said as she reached for two cups and filled them up with punch from the punch bowl and then handed me one. "it's time to get wavy!" I knew what she meant by that so I smirked at her and then opened my mouth, lifting my tongue up. Carol took one of the little green pills and placed it under my tongue and then did the same for herself. "Cheers!" she said as we toasted our cups and then downed our drinks, swallowing the pills with it. I grimaced at the strong alcohol percentage. "Woo! That was strong, now, let's go see Billy become the new keg King!" Carol said as she grabbed my arm, pulling me back through the crowd of people.

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