And according to everyone's original plan, there is a steel frame room above the basement, and the entrance and exit are indoors, which is tightly blocked by the steel frame room.

If this is the case, I didn't come looking for it on purpose, and ordinary people can't find it at all.

In the future, even if the environment is a little harsher, in case of any special circumstances, whether it is Tibetans or Tibetans, it will be regarded as an extra barrier.

When it was first built, who would have thought that the big earthquake would start from Beining?

It also directly collapsed the steel frame house above.

Fortunately, the location of the ground fissure was still a little away from the backyard, so the basement was finally preserved.

Another reason why he put so much effort into doing this at the beginning was because Shen Cong said that there would be a long drought period after the earthquake.

Not only will it not rain, but it will be very, very hot.

Summer seems to never end.

That time will last for almost a year or more or nearly two years.

Upon hearing this, Cheng Ru almost died of fright.

Both she and Shen Jianyi were a bit fat, and they belonged to that plump body type, and they were both most afraid of heat.

Therefore, the two of them immediately suggested that the basement should be done well, and that when the drought came, the whole family would move down to live there.

No one expected that their family would move in before the drought came.

It's very quiet here.

Unless you are close to the vent, you can't even hear the roar of the helicopter outside.

Shen Cong and the others installed several cameras on the outer wall of their house, but they couldn't monitor without internet.

But this is also peace of mind, at least in the next few days the family can rest quietly and well.

Since the earthquake, everyone has been busy every day and has not had a good rest.

It is said to rest, but in fact no one really rests.

Because there is no need to worry about someone suddenly coming to the door, and not afraid of being discovered by the smell of oily smoke, Cheng Ru and Shen Xi's mother and daughter directly set up an oil pan in the basement, and put on a big battle in this small kitchen.

Cheng Ru I don't know how to cook Western food. Although I fried a lot of meatballs, lotus root clips, and egg dumplings before, I don't know much about chicken chops and pork chops.

But Tongtong and Shanshan grew up abroad after all, and their living habits are still somewhat westernized.

Sometimes they also want to eat some hamburgers, hot dogs and so on.

Although Shen Cong bought a lot of spares, the taste was still a bit different from what they liked.

Now that there is time and convenience, Shen Xi naturally wants to do more for his children.

Shen Xi is still very good at cooking. Apart from those Western-style fast food, she also makes top-notch snacks and bread.

Since she confirmed that the electricity stored by the solar energy can support the oven, the smell in the house has increased.

Rebirth Returns to the day before the divorce [Natural Disaster]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ