Bonus Scene

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(Y/N)'s father's nightmare from Sandboy (deleted scene)

(Y/N) rushes out of her room but before she could exit the building in fear, she stops in her tracks when she hears a faint shout coming from her father's room.

"Don't.. no.. DON'T TAKE HER FROM ME!" She hears him scream, making her quickly rush into her father's room.

Upon entering, she sees her mother with a toddler in her hold, preparing to leave. (Y/N) attempts to come closer, but couldn't, it was as if there was a barrier between her and her father's nightmare.

Upon taking a closer look, (Y/N) realizes that the toddler was her.

"You are an unfit father, you will infect this child with your pathetic ways of teaching no longer." Her mother snarls.

"And what will you do with her? You don't love my child like I do! You never have!" (Y/N)'s father questions angrily.

(Y/N)'s mother smirks when toddler (Y/N) begins to cry, making grabby hands for her father.

(Y/N)'s father stands at this, but freezes once (Y/N)'s mother moves closer to the door.

"Since you've lost custody, this child has become mine permanently. I don't want her though, I really only want to make you suffer. However, she'll be of good use to me when she's older. Ta-Ta!"

And just like that, (Y/N)'s mother takes her away from her father, making him scream and cry brokenly.

He lost her. He lost his baby girl.

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