2.2 - Despair Bear

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(A/N: I'll be making Chloe's party a formal event to try and make up for the fact that I will not be doing the Christmas special)

3rd Person POV:

"I'll let you in on a little secret, I always add cream to the chocolate to make the ganache extra velvety. Then, I let it infuse for one minute." Tom instructs the class.

"I love it when your dad comes to class and gives up pastry lessons." Alya whispers to Marinette.

"So does he." Marinette giggles.

"So do I." (Y/N) practically drools.

"Ugh, do they seriously think I'm going to get my hands dirty, cooking like some maid?" Chloe scoffs. "If I want a croissant, I just make my butler get it for me."

"He's not making croissants." Rose says confused. "Those are macaroons."

"It's all done with a flick of the wrist. But you mustn't go to fast or you might splash yourself." Tom warns.

"And ruin my pants? Who's he kidding." Chloe rolls her eyes before getting an idea. She steps off to the side and makes a phone call, Marinette watching her every move.

"Now we need to chill it for half an hour." Tom continues teaching. "Marinette!"

"Yes, dad?" Marinette answers, the gentle call of her father making her snap her attention away from Chloe.

"Could you and (Y/N) put this in the school cafeteria fridge for me please?" Tom hands the tray to (Y/N) who has to force herself not to eat the raw chocolate macaroons. "In the mean time, I'm going to show your friends how to fluff up egg whites."

"Okay, papa!" Marinette nods and opens the door for (Y/N). Allowing her to pass through first since her hands were full with the tray.

The girls walk toward the refrigerator as Tikki and Feu pop out.

"Mm, can we get a taste?" Tikki asks as she and Feu drool at the scent.

"Not yet, Tikki!" Marinette looks around to make sure no one was around. "The three of you need to control your sweet tooth."

The four's laughter was interrupted by the sharp sound of the school's fire alarm ringing out throughout the building which makes Tikki and Feu hide back in their respective bags.

All students filed out of their classrooms and walked toward the exit. As Chloe sashays pass the two girls, she smirks at them and continues on her merry way.

"I hope it's only a fire drill." Tom tells his daughter(s) and walked with them outside.


"So. Some smart alec had the bright idea of calling the fire department." Principal Damocles announces to the students after everything was calmed down.

Marinette shoots a suspicious glance at Chloe who only seemed to care about filing her nails than Mr. Damocles.

"Somebody amongst us thought it would be funny to waste the fire captains valuable time." Mr. Damocles continues.

"Yes, in fact, if you wouldn't mind, I must be going-" The fire captain explains but he was interrupted.

"Hold on, I want the guilty party to apologize to you." Mr. Damocles stares.

"I'm sure it was Chloe. I saw her on the phone right before the alarm went off." Marinette whispers to Alya and (Y/N).

"You seeing her make a phone call isn't solid proof." Alya explains and (Y/N) nods in agreement.

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