With a nod, I turned away from the man and stepped back out into the cold, a number of other tents and cooking sites meeting my sight as I did. To call our current dwellings a clearing would be to far oversell it, while clear paths were visible, much of the landscape was still blocked from sight by the trees, the tents and fires visible only from the clashing browns and whites and the soft glows of flame. While some Howls moved and marched, most were standing attentively on guard, either at the edges of our camp, or around the various cook stations. Surrounding many were small groups of ten or so civilians, the occasional Iron Legion or Ranger peppered throughout each.

It took some time, but after a small amount of searching, I found my companions. Inside one of the few tents lacking a cooking station, Deborah sat near one of the campfires, her lute laid carefully beside her as she smiled and nodded, Stone fiddling with his weapon as he seemed to inspect it. His injured shoulder was wrapped carefully with a bandage, the arrow head having been carefully dug out by one of the Howls' medics. Across from Deborah was an older woman, whom I quickly recognized as Berrat's wife, Nala. She appeared to be telling a story of some sort, using grandiose gestures to punctuate her words. Berrat himself was absent, and for a brief moment I felt a surge of panic. Just as quickly as it had come, however, I was able to suppress it. Berrat's injury had been much more severe than mine or Stone's, he was older than us, and he had made the same trek as we had. I'm sure he was exhausted, and with any luck, gaining well deserved rest.

It almost felt like a dream as I walked towards them. For the time being, there was almost no danger. Despite the odds, we'd survived a battle we'd had no hope of winning, and now we moved to the promise of safety. Seeing Deborah's smile widen as she turned to face me only helped to solidify that feeling. For some reason I could not explain, she seemed more vibrant than she had before.

"Well, look who finally showed up." She said jokingly, rising from the ground as she walked towards me. A gentle warmth filled my chest as I handed the first bowl of stew towards her. The recent memories of our shared commitment had not left my mind, even in the face of battle. Knowing I was beyond it, and for a time at least, we would be able to explore this relationship, I was glad, excited, even. With one hand Deborah took the bowl from me, and with the other, she pulled me close as she wrapped her arm around me. There was a warmth in her embrace I'm not sure I've ever experienced, and her very presence seemed to lift my spirits higher and higher as I held her too. For a time, we said nothing, my hold on her only tightening as we stayed there.

"That second bowl for me?" Stone asked suddenly. The warmth seemed to vanish in a moment, Deborah pulling away as she rolled her eyes. My own frustration mounted as well, was Stone not able to see we were having a moment? Internally sighing, I loosened my grip on Deborah as I looked towards him, only to see Nala smacking him on the arm.

"Ow!" He yelled, pulling away from her and holding his arm.

"The heck was that for?!" He shouted. It was only after he'd said that that I realized Nala had smacked him in the same arm he'd been shot, and my frustration faded. Nala, however, did not relent, smacking at him again as Stone quickly tried to raise his good arm to block her.

"You spoiled the moment you cow!" She yelled, throwing in a third smack as Stone began sliding away from her.

"Cow? The heck is that supposed to mean?" He asked. Nala only groaned in frustration as she sat back, shaking her head. Stone continued to inch away and held his arm up, as if afraid another slap was oncoming. I could see Deborah bring a hand to her lips as she tried to hide a laugh, her body quivering as she did. I chuckled with her, somewhat glad to see someone unafraid to confront my friend.

"Yes, this one is for you, Stone." I finally said, pulling my arm away from Deborah and walking closer. I could hear her follow behind as I sat by the fire, the soft crackling filling my ears as I extended the bowl to Stone. He hesitated a moment as he reached for it, his eyes never leaving Nala as he took the bowl and pulled it towards him. Only after he'd set the bowl beside him did he relax, finally allowing himself to sit properly as he began to undo the straps under his helmet. I couldn't help but laugh as Nala gave him another dirty look, her eyes narrowing as she glared at him.

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