An Alliance

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An Alliance
I could hardly believe what I had seen. Despite our best efforts, Blackstone was moving forward towards our fortress. Just how many were there in this clearing? Peering out from the edges of the forest, I observed each moving mass as I tried to estimate their number. One hundred, at the least? Even a number that grand seemed too little to account for their ranks. Worse yet, this incursion was no resting place, not for a single moment did I believe that.

The soldiers were hard at work, taking axes and makeshift straps to cut down the wood around them, one already felled, one looking mere inches away from following with its light brown exterior exposed to the world around it. They weren't just aware of our fortress, they were building something to break down its walls. How had they learned of it so quickly, I wondered? Was a spy implanted within their ranks? Had one of their Peacekeepers followed us in our recklessness?

At the center of it all was an absolute monster of a man, standing heads and shoulders above his comrades as he barked and bellowed his commands. He almost sounded more beast than man, and even had the size to make such an assessment. I remembered hearing tales of a walking behemoth clad in full plate, the monster of the Blackstone Legion. Watching this man stride what must have been several feet in single bounds only confirmed those tales to me. Worse, he was at the forefront of the assault on our home.

Turning just right, I peered several trees down, just making out the silhouette of Adelaide. She had hidden herself well, only the whites of her eyes revealing her position some several feet away from me. Those same eyes told a story all their own, alarm and distress plainly written in every twitch of the iris, and every darting move they made to take in more of the scene before us. This foe had been fearsome before, but now, it seemed they were beyond us. My young companion turned her gaze to me, her hood and mask ensuring only those eyes remained visible.

"Are you seeing this?" Her look seemed to ask, her voice perfectly clear in my mind. I nodded in response, and watched as she stifled a breath, doing everything in her power to remain as still as possible. I could not bear to see her like this, we had seen what we needed. With a gentle twist I jerked my head to the path behind us, Adelaide understood immediately. With a nod of her own, she silently vanished into another set of branches behind her, not a trace visible. I took one final moment to look back at the camp, then turned to follow her.

This information needed to return to the fortress.


Despite my many years of discipline, I could scarcely contain my frustration with Kharion. Our report had been as clear as day, and yet he still refused to inform us of our next action. Blackstone was marching towards the fortress, our numbers were depleted, and as far as we knew, the Warden was still unable to fight. Yet even with all of this, my young friend refused to listen to reason. Instead he twiddled his thumbs at that desk and remained silent, lost in some fantasy he refused to divulge. Despite my efforts to remain calm, I could feel an anger rise within me.

Due to the dire nature of our standing, only Adelaide had joined us for discussion on our next action. Despite her youth, I could tell even she seemed unsettled by our Elder's uncaring and apathetic behavior. Her stance was straight, disciplined, hands folded and held at her stomach. Still, I could see the light twitches and shaking within them. Her concern was well hidden, but still evident to one as well trained as a Ranger. For her sake, I forced myself to take a deep breath as I straightened myself, presenting as confident an air as I could manage. Though reason had yet to win the day, I was not ready to leave it at the door.

"Elder, do you understand what I have told you?" I asked, keeping my voice as steady as I could. The young man held a hand up, but otherwise gave no indication he'd considered what I'd said. After a time, he lowered his hand and looked towards me.

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