Lords and Ladies

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It was with steady steps that I approached the carriage, gently carrying Deborah in my arms. I couldn't help but find it strange that she seemed to weigh almost nothing. The satchels, my armor, and even then lute I carried for her seemed to irritate my aching arms and body. Yet carrying Deborah, it felt like I was carrying nothing at all. I looked down towards her as the guards around me began to prepare for our passage, and paused for a moment. She had tucked herself close to me in her sleep, her auburn hair seeming to flicker in the faint torch light...

"Hey-" Sudden speech and a duo of snaps in my face brought me back to the present. I shook my head and groaned as I tried to force the last bits of drowsiness out of my system.

"-You still with us?" The voice asked. I rubbed my head and sighed as I looked up, trying to make sense of where I was. Slowly, it all came back to me. The guards had arrived two hours after I had dozed off, with an immediate summons for the lords and ladies of the castle. The voice, I realized, was Stone, trying to keep me awake for our meeting. As for where we were, that was a bit more hazy.

Around us was a moderately decorated hall, wide enough for several men to stand side by side while still being comfortable. Each of the stone walls had a series of tapestries hanging from them, with large empty spaces between them that I suspected once held house signets. A long wool rug ran from the base of the hall towards a set of tall, wooden doors, atop of which a crude symbol had been hastily painted above. Two black muzzles, likely those of wolves, pointed skyward towards a light blue sphere, which I guessed was the moon. The Midnight Howls, I realized.

"Liam? Hello?" Stone's voice came, more irritated and slightly louder than it had been before. When I faced him, I saw that he had placed his helmet back on, he leaned against the wall with both arms crossed, his shield had been placed along a strap on his back, while his flail hung loosely at his hip. How long had we been standing here, when had I lost my train of thought?

"Sorry, I must have spaced out." I apologized. Stone made no noise as he turned away from me, turning his attention forward as leaned further into the wall. His back now lay flat against it.

"Had you now? I had scarcely noticed." He joked. I glared at him.

"Shut up." I said. Stone only laughed as I leaned beside him, taking stock of myself. I still had my armor, I could tell that much. It seemed even my helmet was back in place, based on the weight around my head. I carefully tightened my fingers on my left hand, and was greeted by a firm resistance, my blade was still there. It seemed everything was accounted for, save for one thing.

"Where's Deborah?" I asked, looking back towards my friend. Stone turned back towards me, tilting his head slightly.

"Just how out of it were you, brother?" He asked. Based on what he'd said, very. I must have reacted strangely, because Stone lifted one of his hands in a gesture, as if to calm me down.

"She's fine, Liam. Guards took her off of us to get her someplace warm." He explained. I blinked and shook my head, I had no memory of this happening.

"They did?" Stone seemed to understand my confusion.

"Yeah, they did. And they promised you they'd take good care of her." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "We just need to convince these lords and ladies to let us stay, and you'll be back with her in no time." He shook me a bit with those last words, then returned to his cross armed position. They'd really promised me that? I could scarcely recall that, just how tired was I?

"I don't remember that happening..." I turned away and began to rub my head. I knew I hadn't really slept the last two days, but I was used to not much rest. At least, I thought I was...

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