The Company

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It was a steady flow of blocks and strikes when we stopped to rest for the night. Stone had insisted upon combat practice, and I was keen to agree with him. His flail nearly wrapped around my blade as I blocked a blow to my lower thigh, so I yanked to pull the blade free. Stone was only too glad to let me as he quickly pivoted his arm in the opposite direction, bringing the flail over himself and down to my right shoulder. I blocked just in time for the chain to be caught by the sword, sending the head of the weapon just short of my pauldron. I tried to follow up with another thrust, but Stone was ready for it and backed away, deflecting the attack with a flick of the shield. I retook my stance as Stone began to flourish the flail, allowing its momentum to come to a natural stop.

"Not bad, Liam, most men would have fallen for that." He said, approval more than evident in his voice. He did not wait for me to respond, instead he rushed forward with his shield, looking to slam into me. I had expected such a move and positioned the tip of my sword under the left corner of his shield. With a flick of both wrists the shield was forced away from his chest, Stone recovered quickly though, and brought the flail around with a haste that prevented a counterattack. Instead I pivoted my blade and took a step back, allowing the sword to again catch the chain and wrap around it. My outstretched arms provided more than enough distance for the flail to swing harmlessly in front of me before I pulled my weapon free, Stone backing away as he twirled his own.

"Most men don't know you as well as I do, Stone. I know all your tricks." I boasted. Stone chuckled and flourished his weapon again as I steeled myself, waiting for him to make his move. Stone took a single step forward, but halted as another voice yelled out.

"Can you two stop your pissing match before one of you ends up bleeding in the snow?" Deborah shouted. I lowered my blade and looked to my right, seeing her glaring daggers at the both of us. She was covered both in her own furs and mine, huddled close to the fire we had constructed about a half hour before. A small pot cooked a stew above it, and the soft glow illuminated the tents behind her.

"Easy Bard, Liam and I have sparred many times, we know how to keep it under control." Stone said, a fierce determination practically dripped from every word. This did nothing to convince Deborah, who only changed the direction of her glare towards him.

"And if something goes wrong? Or if some brigand hears you and comes running up while we're tired? What then, Conqueror? Will you keep it 'controlled' then?" She rebuked. In truth, I had been so eager to spar with my old friend, I hadn't considered that possibility. I lowered my sword further and turned to glance at Stone, he seemed unmoved at first. Before long though, his shoulders slumped and he relaxed, sighing as he lowered his shield.

"Your companion is no fun, Liam." He whined, jerking his arm quickly and pinning the length of chain against his handle. I likewise allowed myself to ease, fully dropping my blade and carrying it harmlessly at my side.

"Survival often isn't fun, Stone. There will be time for such things once we are in the safety of Castle Nov Domas." I paused for a moment, then corrected myself; "If we are granted safety in Castle Nov Domas." Stone breathed deeply before sighing loudly, then turning to face the camp site.

"Suppose you're right about that. In the meantime, let's eat, I'm starving." He was walking towards the fire before he had even finished speaking. I followed his lead and made my way towards our accommodations, if that was the proper term. The land around us was still covered in snow, but the night was warmer than the past few evenings, warm enough for us to camp outside of a cave or outcrop at least. I hoped this was a sign of winter beginning to make way for spring. Deborah slid over from one of the freshly cleared patches of grass, I took my place beside her, grunting a bit from effort.

"So how much longer until we arrive at our destination? I'm more than a little eager to be done with this weather." She said, shifting the furs over as she shivered. While I took no pleasure in seeing her in such a state, it did my heart well to know that she was capable of doing so again. Stone seemed to stop in place and drop like a ton of bricks, I half wondered if he'd hurt something on his way down. If he had, he didn't show it, instead sighing and looking into the pot.

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