An Offer

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A/N Well. Where have I been? Sorry for the massive delay in getting this chapter up, guys. Memorial Day weekend ended up requiring crazy work, and I fell behind on writing. Then on Tuesday when I was trying to make up for lost time, I got COVID. So that knocked me out for like a week. Thankfully, I'm better now, and I'm back on track with writing. Sorry again for the delay, hope the chapter is worth it. God bless guys, and thanks for putting up with me.

An Offer

I'm not really sure which was more soul crushing. Watching the one man I'd actually come to trust walk out of my life, or having to listen to the nonstop clacking of his jester as he banged the pieces around on my chess board. On the one hand, losing Liam felt like a punch to the gut, even after the initial pain subsided, there was this aching that just wouldn't go away. It only made things worse that I was convinced he was going to die out there, another good man ripped away from me by scumbag knights. On the other, every five seconds came another clack that ruined any line of thought I had.

When I rolled over to see the dirtbag, he was just staring blankly at the chessboard, fumbling with the pieces with his pack set beside him. He wasn't even setting the board up, just mindlessly twiddling the pieces in his fingers before slapping them down. Was he bored or something? God forbid protecting a little damsel like me be boring for that brute. Perhaps the best part of the whole thing was that he just aimlessly switched between pieces after slamming them. What, was he worried they'd feel left out? Eventually I got sick of the incessant noise and sat up.

"Will you knock that off? I can barely hear myself think over your dumb clattering." I stated, more than a little ticked off. The Conqueror stopped moving the piece he was holding for a second and slowly turned his head towards me. As much as I tried to remain indignant, that darn skull on his helmet made me flinch as he stared me right in the eye. Seriously, how was he allowed to do that? To absolutely no one's surprise, he ignored me, even going so far as to slam the next piece down even harder, just to spite me. Real charmer, that one, real glad Liam left him with me.

"Nice, real nice Conqueror. Glad to see that you're petty on top of being annoying." I said. I must have gotten under his skin with that one, because he actually turned away from the chess board and faced me directly.

"You'll forgive me if I'm not exactly thrilled with this assignment." He growled. Assignment? Was that really what I had been reduced to at this point? A bad assignment no one wanted? Whoever said that chivalry is dead might have had a point, if all they ever met were crapbags like this one.

"Well why don't you just leave then? I don't like you, you clearly don't like me, so why don't you just piss off?" I asked.

"My warlord ordered me to watch over you, that's what I'm doing." He retorted. I scoffed.

"Oh, ever so noble, glorious Conqueror. You can watch me just as easily from outside this room. Or better yet, how about outside the castle?" I replied. The Conqueror definitely didn't like that remark, I could see his fist clenching around the game piece he still clutched firmly. I swear the exposed bits of his arms were turning bright red.

"You said you felt safe when Liam was right here. Besides, Mercy slipped in even with walls and guards between her, nowhere else is going to keep you safe." He barked back. Great, another actually good point. What was with these knights and actually being able to bring those up so consistently? Despite his point, I was not ready to spend any longer with him than I needed. So, I opted to fast track our time together. Without another word I threw the blankets off and swung my legs over the side of the bed. The Conqueror didn't seem to react much, save for sitting up a bit straighter.

With one last push, I leapt from my resting place and landed with a soft thud on the ground, which then sent a fresh wave of pain shooting through my side. It was nothing unbearable, but it was just enough to make me freeze up and clench my teeth as I tried waiting for it to pass. The Conqueror stared blankly at me the whole time this happened, and only continued staring when I managed to get my legs working again. Without waiting for a response, I walked over to my pack and began opening various drawers to retrieve my belongings.

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