First Contact

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First Contact
It was a suicide mission, there could be no doubt about that. Kharion's plan to ambush the Blackstone Legion would throw away any goodwill between the two sides, and only ignite wrath in our enemies.

"Berrat, you have to do something to stop this, Herongale cannot hope to stand against the Legion in a direct fight! Twelve rangers cannot dwindle their numbers in any meaningful way!" I practically yelled, only just keeping my voice low enough to prevent echoing through the great hall. Berrat's eyes were friendly and sympathetic, but he shook his head all the same.

"It is out of my hands, Warden. Our council sided with the Elder nine to three, I cannot stand against him with such little support." He explained. I growled and began pacing the hall, holding a hand to my head as I tried to think. I had likened this to a mass suicide, but only in my worst nightmares did I think that's what this actually was. This was beyond idiotic, it was downright demented! I had to stop this somehow, Kharion had to understand this was crazy.

"Let me speak with him, if I could have just a few minutes with him..." I tried to say, reaching my hand out towards Berrat. The Captain, however, was already shaking his head.

"He's already left to set up his attack points, I'm afraid. He's taken six other rangers, and I'm due to follow once defenses here have been established." He said sadly. It took everything in my power to not punch the wall. I couldn't believe how much of a fool Kharion had regressed into, it was a disgrace! Could he really not understand he was spitting on his father's legacy? His father wanted them safe, not as cannon fodder for some self righteous crusade! Was he so convinced he was right, so sure that he was the arbiter of this fight that only his word mattered?!

My fist clenched so tight that for a moment I feared my sword would cut through my gauntlet, a fear that relaxed only once I'd taken a number of deep breaths. Steady, I told myself. Rage would not solve this catastrophe, and it was far too late to walk away, and far too early at the same time. Taking in a few more breaths, I calmed myself as best I could and turned back toward Berrat, who returned a patient, understanding, but still sorrowful smile at me. I realized that if we were to succeed in any capacity, I would need to work with him, he was the only trustworthy person left in this hamlet.

"Thank you, for warning me at the very least. What comes next?" I asked. Berrat swallowed and crossed his arms, hesitating before he spoke.

"Well, I couldn't help but notice our escorts have blotted out their colors, and have yet to leave. I assume this means something?" He inquired. Perceptive, though I should have expected no less from a ranger captain. I nodded.

"They have chosen to walk away from Blackstone. They will now be serving me as Iron Legion." I explained. Hints of a smile crept onto Berrat's face before he regained his composure, nodding as he did.

"Alright, good. Well, if you are willing, I'd like to employ them here." He began, gesturing towards the back wall. "Behind us is miles of dense tree line. If you are confident in their abilities, we can have them wait there until Blackstone breaches our defenses. Once that happens, they can strike from the side, hopefully breaking their morale." He explained. Shock cavalry, a tactic was more than familiar with, and certainly something Blackstone wouldn't expect. I couldn't help but notice that Berrat had said 'when' the defenses were breached, it seemed he was as convinced of Kharion's plan's failing as I was.

"That can be done. Once the defenses are breached, we'll need an organized front to get our people out towards the fortress." I added. Berrat held a hand out in a halting motion.

"That can wait until the enemy is in disarray.  If we try to commence a retreat right away, they'll keep pace with us easily." A valid point. Unfortunately, I wasn't sure one cavalry charge would be enough to disorient the legion, let alone enough for them to lose track of us. We would need something far more drastic for that, something I doubt I had the capability of pulling off. That didn't mean there weren't options, however. There were still a number of available militia, after all.

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