The Oath

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I was still reeling from my discussion with the Master as I set up a chessboard in my room. I hadn't felt well enough to set up the game while I was recovering, and I had been too eager to jump back into playing my lute when I had felt better. After that talk though, I felt a strange weight in me that just wouldn't go away. I knew exactly what had caused it, thinking about what happened to mom and dad. I also knew it would be a while before I could shake that off. So to keep myself occupied, I resolved to set up the board, then try to find someone to play against.

A soft fire burned in the fireplace at my bedside, illuminating the stone floored, but comfortably spacious chamber. Sunlight poured liberally into the room from the window above a small table, almost as if illuminating the chessboard. The set appeared well made, but it was hardly the work of a master. The board itself consisted of several dark brown and light tan squares, as to be expected. The pieces were simplistic, and lacked any fine detail. That said, they were comfortable enough to grab, and at the very least, it was easy to tell which piece was which. I suppose it was wrong to be so critical, my own chessboard back home had been little more than a sheet of paper and poorly constructed chunks of wood that had barely any shape at all. Enough of that thought, I was thinking. I was trying to get away from thoughts of home, not burrow into them.

I had just finished setting up the last king when I heard a soft knock at my door. It was probably that doctor again, either him or some guard trying to sneak a private show. I wasn't in the mood to deal with either, let alone be poked and prodded for one reason or another.

"Unless you're here to play chess, I'm not interested in company. Go away!" I yelled. Rude, possibly even dangerous, considering the castle wasn't mine, or even a friend's. But I knew a slight that small wouldn't be enough to set off anyone, unless their ego was as brittle as dry twig. At least I thought so before I heard the door begin creaking open. Me and my big mouth... I sat up straight and folded my arms over my chest as I glanced over at the door. The wooden frame slowly gave way and revealed the knocker, who was none other than Liam, clad in full armor, furs draped over his shoulders.

"I had come to make sure you were alright, but I am aware of how to play, if you'll have me." He said. I eased up immediately and smiled at him, more than happy to see a friendly face, so to speak. I motioned him over with a gentle tilt of my head, to which he nodded and closed the door behind him.

"Lord of the castle decided he was done with you?" I asked as he began slipping off his furs and walking towards the table.

"For the time being, he has given me respite, yes." He confirmed, placing his furs on the back of the chair opposite of mine. I moved myself closer to the table as he took a seat, observing the board in front of him. I knew I was safe with Liam here, so I let myself relax and sighed contentedly as I observed the Warden closely. He hadn't removed his helmet, which struck me as odd. Usually when he was trying to relax, he took the thing off, so what was the deal here?

"Are you going to take your helmet off?" I asked, hoping to provoke him into removing it. Rather than do so, he simply shook his head and continued to study the board.

"I suspect Master Jotham may change his mind, I'd rather be prepared if he does." I'll admit I was disappointed by that, but I was pretty sure this was as good as things were going to get, at least for the time being. I watched him for a bit before he eventually seemed comfortable with the board. To no one's surprise, he extended a hand towards me, inviting me to make the first move. Even competitively, the man was as courteous as ever. One pawn forward, and our game had begun.

"He did ask me to speak with you." Liam said, moving one of his own pawns a few spaces away from my starting move. Of course there was a catch, there always had to be. I hid my frustration the best I could as I made my next move, placing a pawn just short of my first.

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